
This headline is misleading, it should say the qb struggled to get off the field. I thought the guy was hospitalized or something.

Kinda nice you’re promoting mk8hd’s videos, I like him he seems pretty cool.

Ugh god those guys sound like sore losers, like when Facebook stole oculus from... oh wait. NM

Actually, if you aren’t a public figure, it’s less likely that anyone at work will find out you were charged with the equivalent of reckless driving while on vacation. Tons of regular people with important non-public figure jobs get away with minor arrests all the time. And tons of public figures do so much worse and

ICE isn’t going to kick in the doors of dreamers if they live in protected counties and states with sanctuary cities. Why would they go try deporting people in an environment in which the local law enforcement refuses to help, that would be a huge waste of resources. It’s like the DEA suddenly going into CA to raid

Is it as fragile as the S8+? Still pissed I spent $800 on that piece of shit phone, I think I’ll wait for the iPhone 8 edition

Clever haha

I disagree. If you worked all your life to buy your kids an apartment building to run so they won’t have it as hard as you did, they shouldn’t have to pay a 90% tax after you’ve paid taxes for 50 years, that’s a fucking bullshit idea for broke motherfuckers.

Decaf? ;p

Damn this is kind of savage. What about attribution and making sure publications get acknowledged for exclusive press photos?

The problem with that is even if you do have the money, half the time they will insist on jail instead of electronic monitoring which makes no sense. Tax payers pay to jail inmates while inmates pay for electronic monitoring, I swear it feels like they’re trying to keep particular jails filled in certain counties.

Look how many photos that one phone took. Now imagine 100 or 1000 different people posting photos. It would need to be edited constantly like Wikipedia or something. It would be smarter to package this into a map identification feature and sell it to Waze or Google maps. Let people upload photos trim the fat then

Now playing

While they rub shoulders there is literal chaos in the streets of Hamburg

Now playing

While they rub shoulders there is literal chaos in the streets of Hamburg

I doubt it’s an exit scam, they’re supposed to be implementing a new form of payments (zcash) probably took down the site. Or the FBI got em

We met through the car scene way back when I has 99 540i and she had a 01 vr6 jetta fun times. She beat me with the stick off the line always but I usually caught up in quarter mile runs. She ended up having to sell that jetta and buying a prius during thr finacial crisis but I got her a new one with a stick and

I literally just bought my girl friend a new manual transmission Jetta because she loves driving those

I-90 is a big empty road most of the time where they were stopped so it’s easy to go over 100 and easy to get stopped going over 100, they use airplanes and drones to catch speeders there too, I’ve been stopped going over 100mph in a S500 Benz but they gave us a warning, I figured because they used aircraft to clock

You’re three years late to the party you pedant creepy grammar nazi.
