
When children can give detailed descriptions of birthmarks on the bottom of his penis, then YES.

I dunno man--MJ was pretty obviously obsessed with young boys, and even if all circumstantial evidence is wrong, which I think is unlikely, any sane person would hand stopped behaving the way he did after 1993..

Yes, he had vitiligo, and black people with that condition get treatments that go along with their skin tones. Michael choose to whiten the shit out of his face/body. Then he mutilated his nose, lips, chin - he desperately wanted a caucasian look. Then he choose to have or adopt white children. Michael had

It’s so hard because he’s been in our lives for so much... but that presence is how he’s been able to get away with the shit he did. I think the parallels between R Kelly and him are apt - what makes one easier than the other? R Kelly basically singing about the shit he was doing? R Kelly not having as big a

What terrifying are the people still defending him. Every article I read about this documentary fills up with people defending him (with some pretty odd syntax). I don’t know what the point is of that but his defenders are hardcore.

The family complained that the story was bullshit. i listen to the family

The issue is that the story in the movie is 95% untrue. These two men were never friends; the driver was fired after 2 months. Mr. Shirley was not estranged from his family, didn’t have issues with his Blackness (the idea that he needed to learn to accept himself is absurd), didn’t need to be taught about Black

A&E has their counter program coming up called “The Toe Bro”. It may be worse than Dr. PP.

What’s wrong with me!? Why do I read these!? I don’t even watch the show specifically because I get grossed out easily! Yet here I am, looking at gifs of string cheese being pulled from shoulders!

Consistently delusional if you really think the majority of people who never believed this obvious bs are racist homophobes. Mostly they’re just not braindead lemmings like yourself.

Just perusing some of the comments here and you seem like an incredibly hateful moron.... here’s what I’ve got so far:

Remember Jussie repeatedly said it was a white person who attacked him.

Of course you would pick this, the worst hill ever made, to die on. 

Racism. The word you’re looking for is Racism.

The guys who are fixated on making me squirt are not the same guys making me cum.

Ugh I knew something was bound to come out about him (not a good reputation at all). Side note: I saw an all ages show (started at 5:30 pm!!) with Mandy Moore 10+ years ago...she was so charming, beautiful and had an amazing voice! Met her in person and was so damn sweet. I do hope she makes music again! I still love

So I’m not shocked at all that the response doesn’t include any real denial of Page’s criticism.

Exactly how I felt. Why anyone would even wear this is beyond me, but that is fucking black face.

3 months? 3 months!? Is not buying a brand for 3 months even noticeable?