
How many times have you had to explain or say something to a superior or to your subordinates, but it has to be plausibly deniable and low on the controversy scale, AND you have to be low key cursing them out?

Does your Uncle Dennis live in Washington State? Asking for friend.

Ooh! Let’s all make a list of the other members of the Cult of Ruckus who probably hit her up with whatever the pink toe version of ‘Hey, Big Head’ is. (Hey, Nassatall? Hey, Selsun Blue?)

Probable midnight DMs from Jason Whitlock?

The audacity to call Serena “Thick.” Bitch, I couldn’t tell you apart from a line up of drunk sorority girls at an Arizona State frat party. You’re not exactly one to judge looks.

But do you really want Pastor’s Body to get run over by the Molly Train? He seems far too nice for that. Molly don’t need to be setting any dates besides ones on the calendar with her therapist.

You’re right, but that’s still somewhat on Issa. How is it that jalapeno popping Tasha could read the situation and spit game in a few months, while Issa couldn’t open her mouth for years? Past a certain point, you aren’t a victim; you’re a volunteer. Issa volunteered for that mess, and I get the feeling the season