
Exactly - so we can have a new generation of struggling poors. Republicans don’t want to KILL the poor. They want to keep the poor right where they are, desperate and struggling and filled with the illusion that they’re going to strike it rich any day now if they just keep shoveling that shit. That’s where the cheap,

Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?

I’ve made this comment a kajillion times already, but I think kajillion+1 is ok. This was never about politics or ideology or education or economics or even race. These are fundamentally damaged people. They are subhuman, literally less than human. We are witnessing the devolution of man in real time.

I love pink. I hate that they are ruining one of my favorite colors.

It’s my birthday month.

This right here is why it should be considered an etiquette breach of the highest order to ask someone if he or she is trying for a baby. Best case scenario, you’ve invaded someone’s privacy that does not intend to have children and is fine with it. Worst case, you deeply hurt the feelings of someone who wants

All these wannabe “good guys with guns” are also “Blue Lives Matter” people. You know what actually helps “blue lives”? DOING AS THEY FUCKING SAY AND DON’T GO PLAY VIGILANTE.

“Stem cells cure autism but for some reason the US won’t approve them. Why? It couldn’t possibly be that I’m too stupid to realize how ignorant I am!”

Ugh. He’s also the same asshole that threw a porn actress off a roof into a pool. I think she broke her foot and had to sue him because she couldn’t perform for a while and lost her only source of income. He’s so fucking gross and a total piece of shit.


I hate myself sometimes for finding him so damn sexy. Just him, like if I didn’t know anything he did or says. But I don’t think having millions of followers, owning an arsenal or being a trust fund baby inherently makes him an asshole. It’s what he does with all that. Fucking Christ, so many men I know find him to

Debt that he contributed to with that defaulted golf course deal. HE’S FUCKING GOLFING RIGHT NOW WHILE PEOPLE ARE DYING.

Fun Fact, he’s part of the reason PR is in such debt. When his resort down there went belly up, it left the government with a yuuuuuuge unpaid tax bill.

Yeah, nothing about Trump’s own actions surprise me anymore, he’s shown himself too many times for any of us to be surprised by it (appalled, sure, just not surprised). But I remain absolutely fucking baffled at how millions of Americans have accepted this and continue to accept this.


I couldn’t tell is it was the angle or not from the first picture, but the CNN screen grab certainly shows it is the suit itself. Maybe she figures if she starts to look fat, Donald will set her free?

It doesn’t matter to me if she’s a baby, a kid, a woman, a man... this is scary and sad no matter what.

For real. Your dick is NEVER going to be “too big”. Before I get off topic, this guy is an asshole.

demonstrating for the jury with his hand.