Meanwhile, the world braces itself for the braying of patriots fans
Meanwhile, the world braces itself for the braying of patriots fans
Mocked for her sexual orientation? On a softball team? I take it she’s heterosexual, then....
From the outside, it would appear Phil Jackson knows the franchise and organization are so hopeless that James Dolan is willing to pay him $12M a year to better it in no way whatsoever. Crazy like a fox indeed.
The most delightful part of this clustercuss is that MLB has defended our delicate sensibilities putting blurry clouds over everyone’s mouths through the whole video in case anyone knew how to lipread.
Also, Hudson is an ass.
Jets Training Camp: All the optimism of Mount Everest Base Camp, without all the talent.
i cant handle this
DO NOT let this door hit you in the ass on the way out
An all-star lineup of musicians honors George Harrison by performing “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”.
On the 2-point conversion the PSI minimum is increased to 15 as well.
But will Pete Carroll call a pass on the 2?
Sounds like another lazy-ass (I won’t use the word journalist here) trying to shoe-horn the subject into a preconceived narrative. Surprised he wasn’t asked “talk about how LeBron is like a father to you”. I don’t know much about Irving other than what I have seen on the floor, but as a father, I have to say “good job…
“The goals - in typical CR7 fashion - were not much to write home about anyway.”
The odd move was hiring Mike Redmond. He was awful.
Sigh. MLS sucks. We don’t have massively violent riots in our sport :(
Maybe it’s time the NCAA extends its drug testing policy to cover announcers, too...
It's like the Wizards three pointer multiplied by 1000
Wow, it's like the first 2012 debate all over again.
19 Best Sentences From The Bill Simmons Goodbye Email posting soon on Buzzfeed.