
I love the idea of humans being cast as the bad guy, rather than the litle bunny who finally outwits the villians in the end. Just imagine a movie were we side with these sweet little aliens who finally outbattle this dark, faceless nemesis... only to be revealed at the end that these bad guys are humans. Oh well,

Anybody else see any resemblance between the writing on the sides of those vases (for lack of a better word) and the Predator alphabet?

looks a bit like the space jockey head... what if the space jockey were just a head crab (half life reference)? I'm not liking the look of the fleshed out space jockey, btw. The eyes are too childish or something.

There's a link on the Bild page for the comensurate world map for males ("penis length" - []:// what's great is that the google translation somehow mixes up the cms and the inches, so we get

this guy had better keep an eye on his stripper girlfriend, I'll bet that she let the guy she's actually sleeping with (her dirt-poor but good-looking loser boyfriend) drive the car into the ground. Oddly enough, there still seems to be some tread left on the tire, so my first guess that it was brake stands is wrong.

Ha ha, awesome. Mandatory beer stops, right?


Awesomely-told story, I was about to drop mine but it would pale in comparison to yours.

Hard to put them on a bookshelf, too.

Having dated a Korean girl, I'll just throw a little double thumb's up on this post.

Fire sale.

Yes, thanks. I'm hearting you so hopefully you can continue fact-checking my lazy-ass posts! ;-)

Let's hope someone's listening...

Oh I know: $139 + tax, shipping included. It also includes: probably a reconditioned replacement, 90 day guarantee, and a complete HD wipe. I spent about $700 on that original PS3, which makes this double-annoying. I figure if I get a new PS3, I'll start saving electricity and be able to count on it a little longer.

I loved the villager sunken half way in the ground. At first I thought he was a poor soul who'd lost both legs in a mill accident, but no, it turns out his lower half doesn't clip well. Other Skyrim bugs of note I loved:

Mega agreed... I found that I spent more time on that stupid sea than I did in the actual dungeons, which I did NOT sign up for. They changed the wrong things when they made WindWaker. Nobody had a problem with the Kingdom of Hyrule (or similar) they just wanted a new adventure set in OOT-land.

I wasn't a big fan of the sailing in WindWaker (maybe if the water had been slightly transparent, it would have helped) and the disconnection between dungeons was frustrating. Also, WindWaker was the first 3D Zelda where the side dungeons were less like dungeons and more like two-room tests.

Agreed. Nintendo is just phoning it in these days. The games are getting less open and more linear, less consistent and more patchwork, and they have innovated less in the last 10 years than ever. The DS Zelda games are complete and utter shit, and are the ultimate expression of their lack of interest in making better

I always leave the main quest for last, at which point you're usually so powerful it's kind of a let-down (closing Oblivion gates towards the end of Oblivion were getting tedious and I wasn't even bothering looting Daedric bodies at that point). When you're so powerful that you're no longer afraid of major enemies

I wish: too many bugs for that. I guess playing thru more than once will have to make up for that.