
This is a holy-f*ck horror story for us anal video game lovers. I shuddered when I read your story dude, a chill ran right up my spine... bastards out there.

Oh Crap, that reminds me that I have Fil's Fable 2 for the 360... it's been over a year, too.

Hell no. I have never gotten back a single game that I've lent out, and I'm certain I've never returned any game "lent" to me... and god forbid I should lend anything out to my brother: he invariably lends out or even trades in/sells any games I lend him.

Something about this design is vaguely Mazda-esque...

I think we can all agree that somewhere out there is intelligent life. What I want to see a 100% attached to is: "Channel 1401: Watch live transmissions from the aliens on Gliese 581".

I seem to have gotten something in my eye.

His story goes waaaay back into the dotcom heyday. There was a big article about him in Wired and his whole story was kind of wacked out. You had a hard time believing his bluffery (that he was some super-talented programmer/hacker wunderkind and a multimillionaire before the age of 30) but would you question it if he

He's something like 6.7" tall... even if he WEREN'T "grossly overweight" he'd probably have broken a few plastic chairs in his life time.

I finally tracked down a copy of this game two years ago and it's pretty fantastic — if you have the extra time on your hands. The battles tend to get a little samey and it's an odd (typically Japanese) juxtaposition of high-handed artsy poetics and simplistic arcadey gameplay. The graphics are beautifully drawn and

"Only a tech retard with too much money and not enough brains would buy the 3G Vita."

I don't think they'll sell an awful lot of 3G vitas.

I pre-ordered, I'm such an early-adopter... If they could get Skyrim or the next Elder Scrolls game on there, I'd never need to put it down.

Just reminds me of just how shitty that last Fantastic Four movie was... Galactus is helluva cool.

Also depends on the manufacturer, a buddy of mine bought one of the new large Mercedes SUVs this year and while on a trip to NYC the entire electrical system went tits up (the car was about 6 months old at the time) and Mercedes: A) gave him an equivalent loaner and B) gave him a brand new car to replace the original

Ah yes, cashing in Nintendo-style. I'll still buy it, though.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, I'm so there. Alternately "THANK you, Valve" and "ABOUT friggin' time, Valve".

The F*CK. I hope someone at Gawker got physically bitch-slapped for that headline... ok, so the color is balls, but the car... I mean, that car

In this case, it's hard to forget a vehicle I never even knew existed!

Favorite car, not my favorite color.

Sorry, what? Seriously?? Late-model Toyota Supra Turbos??? I can see the Alpha (even though I secretly wish that one day I can afford a used one) and the EV-1 just due to beauty and rarity, but the rest? I'm not even sure a car sold TODAY at $1M would sell for $1M in the future... we just don't have those kinds of