...and for a while, booting up in DOS - rather than Windows - was still required for your best gaming experience.
...and for a while, booting up in DOS - rather than Windows - was still required for your best gaming experience.
When I saw a price drop that's available now advertised on a Best Buy email to me today at $199, I was ready to buy another one (the first one we bought, my son uses)... if it weren't for a break in my day to check out Kotaku, I would probably have missed this completely. *whew* $39 bullet dodged.
I had the sit-down arcade version of this game (as well as Galaxian) in my first apartment... just as I had started to get good at it, the damn mother board went tits up. Fun but tough game.
I just watched the Happy Days episode where Mork from Ork visits The Fonz... definitely recommended!
Reminds me very much of an Aliens Game Gear game I once had...
For such a polarizing personality, people on kotaku seem to be pretty much on the positive side of the spectrum with Mr. Williams.
This girl totally reminds me of a Korean ex-girlfriend of mine. Sexy with a little psycho built in.
@An Atheist Jew: Blame the PR company they hired. I'll bet the staff at THQ make as much fun of their releases as we do.
@Saist: I can't believe that OpenGL is still around... wow it must be over 15 years old now, right?
These early dev kits are running on custom hardware, it's impossible to say with any certainty how it will compare to the final product. Parenteau did a decent job of informing without getting into trouble or putting his foot in his mouth.
OK, that's all I needed to know: I wasn't sure if it was generic or aimed directly at me. This was a BROAD intrusion, that's for certain now.
NO! Why?!?
ayup, ahuh ahuh
I read a Japanese hardware site breakdown of an iPad and an iPhone recently and the tone of the review was definitely one of suprise and newfound respect for the creativity, quality and innovativeness of the manufacturing of the new apple products... but they just couldn't get themselves to admit the products were…
@CosbyTheKinky: I read a Japanese hardware site breakdown of an iPad and an iPhone recently and the tone of the review was definitely one of suprise and newfound respect for the creativity, quality and innovativeness of the manufacturing of the new apple products... but they just couldn't get themselves to admit the…
@Bubbleman!: Ironically, my first thought when I read that (actually that was my second thought, my first was "awesome idea") was "that sounds like a game only a western developer could do correctly". If a Japanese company did it, likely it would involve bouffante hairdos, disco music and "magic". Not that there's…
I got it in the mail... almost tempted to get on even though I already have a PS3... makes for a great bluray player in addition to everything else it does for me.
@Tye-The-Czar: The funniest jokes are always the stupidest.
Are those some Doom sounds in there?
Give the alternative therapy folks a few weeks to write their pitches and we'll start getting inundated with "new pill uses antigravity technology to help you lose weight!" etc.