
Interesting... when I was a kid, it cost you basically $3,000 for a 286 or apple 2 with 16Kb of ram and a processor whose operations per second you could probably count on the fingers of one hand.

It's $250. For a handheld Nintendo product. It's not a price your average mom and dad are going to spring for their 9 year old. Speaking of which, when you cut out anybody under the age of 6, you're also shooting yourself in the foot if you're Nintendo.

Ugh, more remakes... getting tired of the apparent lack of creativity coming from Nintendo software developers.

@elmorepow: You know what? That statement totally captured my mood, and I'm usually pretty slack on hackers.

Who else got an email from the PSN titled "Important information regarding PlayStation Network and Qriocity services"?

@Vexer_Zero: I hear you, and I second your motion.

ho-hum retreads. Of COURSE the games we really want aren't coming until "sometime this year".

@laser beams: Frankly, I doubt it would actually cost $100 more. I paid through the nose for my contract-free iPhone 4 and I'm sure plenty of profit was made along the way. Certainly enough to have had it made in NA.

@laughplaylive: bull. the only people who profited from this was the factory. They could have used alcohol-based solvents or they could have installed fume hoods or they could have used an alternate method of manufacture. When apple sells us a product, we assume they didn't rape nuns to make it. I think it's incumbent

I would totally pretend it was real... do they have fake viewports showing the starry universe beyond? Throw a few UFOs in for fun?

I still want to convert a 997 Turbo into a lifted Rothman's livery 959-style rally car...

" One thankful deletion in Dead Space 2 is its total lack of turret gun shooting galleries."

@rolsenrob: I'm just going by screenshots... and from what I've seen of those, WoW looks campy. Not necessarily less technically accomplished or artistic, just campy. I'm complaining about the disconnect between this video, which is cool beyond coolnees, and actual in-game pictures of dorky orcs driving Hannah

@adrock2099: Well, it makes sense in that the ROW has adopted our calendar and it's an attempt to make them feel less like our calendar is forced on them and more like it's a good calendar to use. You can still feel free to use "BC" and "AD", nobody's going to correct you.

@dirty: Yeah, especially that presumably cute girl at 1:37

I always thought the dad was looking the mom's top in this ad.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: Yeah, agreed. There was a strong Commodore 64 vibe as well...

@gryphy: I'm pretty sure that they bailed out of their first run, just like in the "game".

That was all manner of awesome.