
Oh man, that video sure brought me back... I loved Oblivion, but a big part of me hopes that the next Elder Scrolls adventure is more like Morrowind...

Darnit, when he said "giant robot scion xB" I thought the car would transform into a robot... darnit, darnit, darnit.

"Seriously son, do you think you could be a little less critical of the cake your poor, blind, armless mother riddled with Parkinsons made for you? Seriously, give her a f*cking break already."

Sorry dudes, I disagree. That "review" was shit on a stick and although TRON Legacy is light on the meat, it was a lot more fun than people give it credit for. Of course, I get all distracted by shiny cool design and stuff so I'm going to love "Tree of Life" while this girl will hate it because Dora is more fun.

Hey, it's the Wii version! I kid.

BTW, this game will still be worlds better than the live-action movie...

I've been trying to figure out how this gets tripped... the nearest I can figure is that if you push the clock past 12AM and don't change the date first, it will trigger this alarm (so far, no lost Smurfs, though).

Would it be horrible of me to point out that that's not a flash, it's the sun's reflection off of the lens of the camera opposite?

Still waiting for the Marlborough livery.

Seriously impressive. I sure as hell wouldn't expect this from anything labelled "1-series". Still, I guess there are plenty of tuners out there who can make your 1-series just as quick for the same amount of cash, right?

He's not "pulling his pants on or pulling them off" he's writing "IAN, I AM BORROWING YOUR CAMPER - THANKS, MICK" in urine.

...and could they - for once - hire some voice actors instead of using their parents? I'm a big fan of immersion, and nothing kills the buzz faster than a 19 year old lusty barmaid talking with the voice of a 67 year old british lady.

@zslane: Aw, it was the 80's man, you just have to accept that that was the way people behaved when they were in front of the camera, much like they behaved totally differently in the 1930's (squeeky-voiced showing off to the kids at home hams), 40's (over-acted, broadway-style super-characterizations of men-are-men

@oldmac31310: No, it sure can't, but it's not really adding anything new, is it? I've always preferred new experiences and world views and I've always hated it when writers and directors talk about "appealing to the audience" and "connecting with the audience" when talking about making science fiction. Show me

Give that man a pipe and he's the Japanese Popeye!