
Good points, very valid comparison. However, in addition to "art" cars (cars which have been decorated by artists and cars which have been painted on by artists) art museums have had travelling displays of automobiles (and doesn't Moma have some cars on display permanently?) as well. Until we see artwork from video

@mcderek3000: We got it, we're just saying it to be safe...

"but as someone who shuns online play unless required by my job, the rest of what he says just breaks my heart. Not everybody plays games for competition, or sport, or interaction. There are many who play games as a form of escape, a peaceful way to enjoy some time alone, so talk of moving away from games specifically

@nonpareil: Come on, it could be worse... someone could have said: "the girl was ugly, the guy was only reacting on instinct" but they didn't. So there's that.

@zslane: Well, it's hardly surprising that you didn't like it: you were smack-dab in the cynical stage of life, knowing "more than the hollywood types" and the movie was really geared towards kids. As an 8 year old at the time, I found war games to be boringly realistic, while Tron had transported me to a conpletely

It's funny to read reviews like this from people who weren't as into TRON as I was. As a mega fan since I saw the movie as a pre-adolescent, I view it more as a cool fairy tale and I forgive it a lot of faults and holes. It helps that I bought the novel adaptation as soon as it came out (thus explaining a LOT of what

@lilalienpup: Holy crap... did the photographer have a great day or what?

'After a brutal storm destroys the boat she was travelling on, a frightened young woman is left washed ashore on an unknown beach. On her own but not alone she has only one goal, to survive'

@Fuzi Lojak: "OMG, it's SPITTING ARSENIC!! Whatever you do, don't lick your battle vest!!"

"How to Train Your Dragon... to Do Really Bad Things". Still, it's annoying to me that the promotional images and videos are so hardcore and cool while the game itself is so campy and last-gen (graphically).

@Fuzi Lojak: No, just a new lifeform with arsenic for blood...

@Scott Rogers: Agreed, but the title has to be a little campy and amateurish... that's the whole theme of "Ghostbusters"

...and then there are those games you play to completion but then reload the last few saves just to complete... and never get around to finishing. Like they say, sometimes the trip is more interesting than the destination.

Crap this brings me back... my parents dropped off a few boxes during spring cleaning a couple of years back and inside was our old O2 and all of the peripherals and games. I've got those two carts AND the voice module... there was something indescribably great about the way those Odyssey2 games played: no flicker and

@biko: Yeah, but NOTITSS!

For a lot of reasons I guess it's a lot easier to digitize an accurate model car than it is the real thing. I've got a massive MacLaren F1 from these guys and it's closest I'll ever get to a real one...

I don't think anybody can tip a Reliant Robin over as funnily as Jeremy Clarkson. That's my ultimate criteria.

There's this book I read a long time ago that had some photos and stories from car accidents circa 1900-1950 and it was pretty insane what people got themselves into... in the intro, the author made note of the fact that although many of these accidents completely totaled the vehicles, there were no deaths on record