@Liquiiiid: Holy f*ck I did NOT need to see that... now I'm going to go shackle my kids in a foam-protected chamber...
@Liquiiiid: Holy f*ck I did NOT need to see that... now I'm going to go shackle my kids in a foam-protected chamber...
@Craig Cragoo Fernandez: I was just about to say the exact same thing...
@Kerc 2.0 beta: ... complete with desert environment chrome wheel reflections! It doesn't get any more "Marker Rendering Techniques" than this... totally brings me back...
I once set an ex-girlfriend up with a coat-hanger muffler hanger and apparently when she sold the Olds years later it still had that coat hanger, hanging.
Sorry, I'm confused, it should be "can movies hook you like videogames can?". I've never been truly "hooked" on a movie like I have a video game.
@csanders984: I gotta go log in some time soon and add respond to it... damn but life is BUSY.
@sudo rm -rf /: OK, I won't make the "better get better meds" joke, but I guess I just did ;-)
@Veit: Maybe researching these two will help pave the way to true transfer of our personality and memory into a computer or robotic body!
Just started reading "Riders on the Purple Sage"... um... I'm seeing a LOT of parallels between this book and this game... I guess copyright laws are only for harassing consumers and not to protect "ideas".
@elementalnebooz: 10 years ago I almost bought one in the Marlborough livery. It was cramped and the steering wheel was on the right hand side (I was living in California at the time) so I passed. I'm still kicking myself because I'd be happy just washing the damn thing in my driveway (I've been in love with it since…
@RandomFFCid: Speaking of lotion:
If, instead of making the PSPgo they had made a UMD-less PSP3000 and sold it for $99 we wouldn't all be so sceptical right now.
@thefrag: Hell, for $60, I'd take it just for the emulator and the cameras.
@Veit: So is it really so surprising that if they share some wiring, they'll share some experiences? This is pretty fascinating stuff, in an Avatarish sort of way.
@sudo rm -rf /: Yes, I certainly am. The inference you derive puzzles me greatly, for whatever reason, it is simply impossible for me to share that world view! I just see everything as a completely mechanical result of natural forces. I don't see any evidence of the supernatural (no matter how much I'd love to).
@sudo rm -rf /: there aren't many who do it because they're ready to receive god. They do it because they don't want to suffer (or, presumably, the next of kin do it). OK, I underestimate as I'm refer to Christians because Muslims gladly throw themselves into harm's way for their religion all the time!
@csanders984: I play on both! my gamer tag/ ps tag is "mariospants" add me!
@Givafuk: Ugh, just saw one: $60. Good grief.
@SmaartAasSaabr: So basically the proper speed of the road Does Not Equal the posted speed limit? Sucks!