@sudo rm -rf /: "You could reason: "If there's no God, then there are no consequences to my actions, so long as I do not get caught." In fact, there are no absolute truths or morals, only what is relative to you. "
@sudo rm -rf /: "You could reason: "If there's no God, then there are no consequences to my actions, so long as I do not get caught." In fact, there are no absolute truths or morals, only what is relative to you. "
@Zanzan42: Funny thing, there's evidence of Microsoft, but no evidence of God. Kinda weird.
@grubish2: I wish I could right click and save that image you just created: genius!
@ArthurFolksake: TOTALLY AGREED, I was surprised not to see this, but I guess there are two factors against it: 1. it's an American car (and therefore out of favor) and 2. it's a really short video.
FAIL: you said "must be able to comfortably seat four people"... have you ever tried to sit in the back seat of a Golf? If you're not 5' tall and 130lbs or less, you're lying if you'd describe that as "comfortable".
@scrapking: Interesting... still, if you compare against sales tax-free states like NH, there must be a tax advantage there, right?
@Zeus: "The day I start losing interest in porn is the day I start losing interest in life."
I totally welcome it. I try, I really really try to obey all speed limits etc. but it's become evidently clear to me that if you drive 10kp/h over the speed limit, you'll never encounter a red light.
Dammit, I'm so pissed: once again the universe conspires against us. Why couldn't it have been accellerating faster?
I've spotted Clarkson in Ottawa twice now... both times he was on vacation and was driving. pretty hilarious how that guy's face - posed behind a steering wheel - is so familiar to me!
@scrapking: Did not know that!
Geez, if they can add custom analog nubs and teddy-bear paw shaped speaker holes, what's to stop them making a UMD-less version of the PSP and blowing it out the door for $99 a pop? Oh, yeah, they f*cked themselves with the PSPgo. Ijits.
@Zeus: Remember those driving simulators they showed in magazines and on TV? The ones that had such "amazing graphics" because they were in 3D and we only had Colecovisions and C64s? Yeah, we can look back at those now and laugh but imagine how in 20-30 years people will look back at GT5 and say "ugh, how could they wa…
When that stream of rain hit the windscreen after that tunnel, I was totally blown away. The only thing this game needs are a couple of in-game places where you can just tool around everytown in your F-50 and blow away Civics and GTIs to blow off a little steam.
@scrapking: Didn't know that. Seeing as how GST is supposed to be the end-product of a bunch of input taxes, it makes some sense. Britain doesn't have the "provinces" or "state" concept as strongly developed as we do, so we end up with a hybrid system.
@Shigmiya64: Oh, wow, vaults. The height of technological thingamajiggery there ;-)
How much game is going to fit that epic trailer? This sucker's going to have to be MGS4-levels of greatness to even live up to the hype.
@DrZaius: I'm guessing a large dollop of "Devil May Cry" as well.
If it doesn't have experience and gold farming, it's not a traditional Castlevania RPG. Looks like a great cut scene... is there a game in there?
@icarus212001: Agreed. It's odd that he didn't get a writer friend to help him...