@Makoto: I've seen the camera for as low as $34 Canadian and never more than $39.
@Makoto: I've seen the camera for as low as $34 Canadian and never more than $39.
Funny how he lamblasts Hollywood yet his v/o work includes the most cliched and recognizeable British talent in its history. Hypocritical much, Molyneaux? Gah, John Cleese as a buttler? Which one of the sixty thousand buttlers he's played will he channel, I wonder?
I don't know about the cut scene movies (they'd have to be real good) but I'd pay an extra $20 to NOT have cut scenes in my games.
@jwadeTC7: kudos for the use of "weeaboo" in a sentence.
That's pure imagination realized, right there. Impressive stuff.
God Bless the TGS.
@scrapking: Sorry, same thing, different name... HST is basically a VAT by another name.
@slotter: I think that part of the meaning of graffiti is that it has a written message... a "I was here, and this is what I have to say".
@Variatas: But that's my point: if you can keep brains alive in jars attached to bodies, staying safe during a nuclear holocaust should be child's play.
Um... hate to point out the obvious here, but if they had done it legit or right, only a select few would click, care or even notice.
@Ash Paulsen: Likely killing off the old stock of blanks...
@cbarrentos: That $40 pricetag was too dear for me as well. I got it at the $19.99 budget price and it was some of the best $19.99 I ever spent. Problem is... I'm hooked on the franchise now, so what am I going to do? Wait some more? Not sure if I can.
The f*ck??? Any civilization sufficiently advanced enough to put living brains in jars and integrate them into a living, breathing dog cybernetic thingy should not have any trouble with piddly little things like post-nuclear holocaust. This is just ridiculous.
And here I thought that Katamari Damacy had "weird" all sewn up. Read Frederick Pohl's "Year of the PussyFoot"... this thing has "Joymaker" written all over it.
Friend of a friend had this posted in her facebook:
damnit, setting up my account snafu'd and now it's stuck in limbo... nice going, apple.
@L11mbm: If you weren't an optical engineer (what exactly do you do in that job, btw?) I'd have said that if people like you and me think it might be some kind of doppler effect then the scientists involved must have considered that and dismissed the possibility.
@GeneralBattuta: I was thinking along the same lines... although it's possible this result could be taken to the opposite extreme and be used to prove that our "special place" in the universe is courtesy of something even more complex. Personally, I just see it as proving that there are areas in our universe that are…
@Nabil Boutaleb: They're starving for attention and Kotaku feels the guilt.
What's wrong with foam barrels???