@scrapking: Saw that too and wondered if this was a UK or Canadian product (the UK has had HST for a loooong time)
@scrapking: Saw that too and wondered if this was a UK or Canadian product (the UK has had HST for a loooong time)
@thinkthis: I dunno... call me a dinosaur, but I still want my portable video gaming to be real video gaming; not some phone that plays games. There will always be a compromise if you start shoving shit together like that.
@Delatrip: I was wondering what he was going to use... I though maybe he'd spend the next 1 minute and 45 seconds trying to hook up his PSP headphones with remote, then the next 5 trying to skype the guy...
@RefusalRefused: Hear hear
Anything in the Lexus line-up would easily translate into a Brougham edition.
@slotter: Yeah, we're getting our wires crossed: I'm just saying that photo-realistic murals (even if it involves the use of spray cans) is not graffiti in my book. I'd call it "street art", but graffiti has an immediacy and conservation of line and material use that this mural does not exhibit. I'm not up on the…
@slotter: That's more "airbrushing with spray cans" than graffiti but I get your point (even if it would look better on the side of a van).
@Koda89: Yup: [latimesblogs.latimes.com] latest news is that it bombed, but still, it opened against a strong chick flick ("Eat, Pray, Love" — I'd have gone to see "Eat, Prey, Love") and the testosterone-inducing "The Expendables". It never really stood a chance.
Seriously guys, this is comedy gold mine material, but if you throw down stuff like
@pauljones: Shit, that design was totally ripped off of some Flash Gordon artist from the 1930s. They didn't even modify the design.
@mariospants: It's also still better than Daikatana
Crazy, perplexing and strange... but still better than the last movie.
Great multifunction machine, it just never got the love it deserved.
While it's all kinds of cool to read someone's first impressions of Doom and you can write one HELL of an article... it still hurts that someone who's never played Doom gets to go to Quakecon and cover it! So unfair...
@JC Whitless: You know, you could have totally made this up and I'd still think it was awesome.
installed the first one and it drove me nuts until I realized that wasn't my recycle bin...
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: sorry, prefer the Marlboro livery
f*ck you all; I've loved this car waaay before any of you did!! I want it, it's mine, and you can't have it!! Go away people!!
@LandofMinos. Sebastian Vettel cried like a little girl.: Not quite: this design was featured on the cover of a circa 1930s Popular Science magazine. Ain't nothing new under the sun. One of the reasons we don't see them in most cities is the obvious: it can't make 90 degree right hand turns.
Wow, it looks even MORE like a hibachi!