
Why “the future”? I’m 100% sure I’ve seen something like this YEARS ago when I was still in school (and had some kind of club where we did photographing and movies). It had a few knobs though to lock the joints though.

Well, on one hand I understand that at some point things go too far. Especially games that glorify rape.

Yeah, wasn’t there a guy breaking his neck or something on live TV in Germany trying to do the same thing?

1. Pyongyang got little over 4 million citizens. NY has double that number and ten times the population density. And we don’t even know at which daytime the pictures were taken.

Wow, what’s really sad is that one guy actually needed humor explained to him and reacts insulting to it.

Apparently you have never heard of reading a text completely before assuming things

So they sprayed it... and there’s no chance the CO2 just went to the other trees directly, because it’s a gas...?

No, it’s magic. Insulation - that’s just crazy talk!

They could also point out how she pretends to fight for minorities but is actually patronizing them, like they can’t speak for themselves and need a saviour to protect them.

Just in case you don’t know already: the version with the swastika is older than the Nazis and Kipling used them because it’s a symbol of hinduism. Which actually makes your books very old.

I’d really like them to just keep bullshit like this on Gawker’s mainpage instead of ruining the other blogs as well.

It’s the same for me with all the dangerous “science” experiments people do and film (where someone handles explosives without any protection). The best thing to do would be to NOT give them attention and posting an article about it....

Why do you give so much publicity to people simply endangering themselves and their surroundings? That’s nothing one should reward!

Except nowhere in the video he is being compared to the Illusive Man.

You stop thinking this way when small kids make you a sacrifice to the slenderman... :P

He’s no “wannabe supervillian” - he’s fucking irresponsible. The range of that weapon isn’t safe for the user and he isn’t even wearing any protective equipment.

Is this actually a thing? I don’t remember any game that started the actual gameplay without giving me the possibility to go to the options menu before.

If it was the case that you know you’ll die anyway you have to do something - like the passangers of one of the 9/11 flights did. But this is obviously not the case here. That guy propably explained what he wanted and since he isn’t in direct control of the plane you can be sure that he can’t hurt anyone outside the

You also need to use your own hand to make the picture, so using a self-timer doesn’t qualify a picture as selfie, too.

So you’d try to attack someone wearing a suicide belt and so risk the life of all other passangers?
There are a lot of situations in which I’d agree with a violent solution, but attacking someone wearing a suicide belt but who doesn’t pose a risk at the moment looks like unnecessary provocation.