
That for sure, and I’m really looking forward to mods that add even more content. Just saying that there aren’t any great mods right now, which isn’t suprising since the game’s release was just two weaks ago ;)

I wouldn’t call any of the available mods “great”. They’re quite fun because they add cool aesthetics to the characters or change some gameplay-elements some people find annoying, but none of them really adds anything to the game.

It’s strange that anyone thinks that absorbing visible light will “cloak” anything. Even more so since we had an article about some material absorbing allmost all visible light just a few days ago.

But that’s mostly due to their lifestyle. They didn’t build cities (if we’re speaking about north-american natives), so the trash (that includes feces) doesn’t accumulate - everything they can’t use would degrade quite fast. It’s a similar for farmers who can recycle the little amount of trash they produce.

Guess what huge rome (as example) looked like a few hundreds year ago (middle ages)? Just as bad. A few hundreds years before that (ancient times) a little bit better because they just flushed everything into the Tiber... Producing trash isn’t a new problem, it’s a quite fundamental one. In fact, NOT producing trash -

If it’s just about multiplying as often as possible: of course staying alive after “replacing” oneself has a point: producing even more copies. Genetic diversity is a beneficial factor to a species, but the individual doesn’t care about it.
I also really can’t understand why people don’t understand the reason why most

I wonder if they can even feed them false information and commands. In the best case you can play them out against each other, and even in the worst case they stop trusting any information they get. Deception always was one of the most powerful weapons, and these guys seem like they can be fooled by even the most

The reason why self-claimed liberals are defending him? Because conservatives don’t, and since everything conservatives do is essentially evil that boy and everything he did must be good.<— Logic of some people. They’re like teenagers.

You DO know that such “tests” are illegal? And that such a manouver certainly would lead to war...?

In a war between the USA and China, no one would care about these islands because such an conflict would end in nuclear warfare.

Well, if your dream is just your uterus stopping it’s job (that is giving you the risk of getting pregnant and causing annoying periods) that could actually be possible, but it won’t make the organ disintegrate. It would just be an early menopause.

That’s actually worth noting: this procedure isn’t perfect and doesn’t always lead to childbirth (because no medical procedure is, and this one seems like it’s still quite experimental). Taking an organ from an already dead person propably lowers the chance even more.

I’m no doctor, but I doubt that any organ can just completely disintegrate within you, especially not one that large.

As far as I know it definitely gets removed in a second surgery (otherwise she’d need to take immune-suppressors for the rest of her life) but I doubt you will be able to use it a third time. Transplanted organs usually have a lower life-expectancy than your own organs anyway, transplanting it multiple times wouldn’t

Talking about “no matter the risk”: all the commenters around here don’t seem to understand what serious surgery an uterus-transplantation is. Plus the to-be-mother will need to take immune-suppressors that can lead to serious infections, PLUS she’ll ned t0 get a second surgery to remove the uterus later. There was a

As part of this world: no, no you’re absolutely not.

I didn’t even notice this was foxtrotalpha, thought this was still Gizmodo. Although there’s still a difference between people just interested in such things and the people I mean (people being very aggressive about such things, the same people nitpicking about everything and half of their posts being insults / brag).

I know, right? The whole procedure seems far too risky to become widely used, and I’d go as far to say any doctor suggesting it is very irresponsible. Especially when you consider that this doesn’t involve just one surgery, since she has to do a second one to remove the uterus. Plus the immunesuppressors she’ll have

I’m not sure whether this is worth the trouble “just” for getting pregnant, too. This is definitely not some small surgery and the meds she has to take can have serious side effects. I’m not sure about the long-term effects of immune-supressors on the child, but it’s definitely a risky pregnancy to both mother and

I think the “navy’s army” part isn’t that bad, since they could do jobs that neither the navy nor the army is specialised in. But having them as an own branch of the military is just stupid, because them having the same equipment and doing the same jobs as either the army, navy or airforce is simply redundant.