What’s weird though is that posting early used to matter but lately I’ve noticed that even if I’m one of the first people to post..my comment doesn’t show up early under “show pending” it’s still put (albeit first) AFTER every single ungreyed person posts no matter what time. It's so frustrating.
I'll never get out : (
That was my first thought. Do not provoke the cops, do not flee from an arresting officer, and do not exit the vehicle. Breaking any one of these rules would have resulted in tragedy if she weren’t white.
I recognize that groovy feeling. She’s on some bitching molly!!
she shuffles better than I ever could.
She came out of the car pretty fast, I’m...a little surprised they didn’t shoot. Sorry cops...I’m cynical.
Gee, when the lady who stole a car in my neighborhood plowed into another car with a family inside at an intersection*, all she did was jump out of the car and stumble down the road for another two blocks before the cops got her. We really need to up our game.
I just got followed on io9 and I barely post there! I know exactly what post did it and it was the most banal post ever and was barely starred. Who knows how this all works.
When I say white, you say privilege!
White girl - protected both by race and gender from a hailstorm of bullets.
Saw a manic episode not long ago that looked disturbingly similar to this.
Needs moar twerking.
Yeah sorry, not funny. she could have killed dozens.
Wait, what, is that woman - white? If so, that explains why her azz wasn’t shot at once she exited the vehicle.
a true american hero
It happened because Jezebel followed you - why? WTF knows. What I think is weird is I’ve been pulled out of the grays on Jez and Life Hacker - but not io9. And io9 is my people, man! That’s where I belong. I need to hit up Charlie Jane, I guess.