Lilly (Hungry hungry hipster!)

Thank you for sharing. :)

I WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH. Seriously, you have always been one of my favorites. You’re so freaking intelligent and insightful. T_T

If you’re not on GT (I haven’t seen you there but that doesn’t mean anything) you should think about joining us - it’s still supporting the devil but not quite so much... GT and O-Deck and

I already talked this to death over on GT so I’m not really going to go into my thoughts about it again.

I gotta say though, you guys are either brave as fuck or don’t care anymore to be having this convo on the MP when so many people got banned.
Has there been any word on if they’re going to unban the people they

Oh wow. They’re ADORABLE. I love my cat, but having kittens again would be amazing.

Haha. Thank you.

Thank you! It’s so great that things worked out for you.

lol, that’s soo cute.

Aw, thank you. And that sounds really fun! Except for the internet withdrawals.

That’s seriously awesome!

I love that gif!

All cats are cute, and he’s adorbs. Thank you!

Yay! Thank you. I love positive stories. :)

Wow. Just... wow. That sounds like a LOT to deal with. I hope the truck is in perfect condition Monday and you don’t have any more problems for the rest of your trip.

Thank you, that’s helpful advice. :)

That is ridiculously adorable.


Thank you! Knowing that I have people who care even though I’m just an internet stranger really helps a lot.

I hope things get better for you too. <3

I am glad I’m not the only one who will be rioting! Because a one person riot would be pretty pathetic. :(

And that’s actually kind of cute.