That’s a really good idea except I would be scared about someone underaged finding them. One of the first cigarettes I had was found that way. :\
That’s a really good idea except I would be scared about someone underaged finding them. One of the first cigarettes I had was found that way. :\
Some of my friends did go to a midnight showing, but thankfully it was a different theater.
So that’s actually a commonly spread mis-truth about the death penalty. Because of the extensive and expensive appeals processes, among other things, it’s actually MORE expensive to sentence someone to death than to sentence someone to life in prison.
Not going to touch your second sentence though, because I think…
I agree with you, but that’s not actually what they said or what I was responding to. But yes, I totally agree with you. It’s one of the MANY reasons I am against the death penalty.
But what they said was that “the death penalty is for non-whites” and that’s obviously not true at all, since plenty of white people get…
It’s the old photo. I’m pretty sure.
I mean, I get that, but like... his name has already been published massively. Everyone already knows who it is. It’s too late to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
I am guessing that she feels the need to apologize to appease the idiotic masses. The anti-choicers, but also the people who are supposedly pro-choice (because they believe women should have autonomy over their bodies) yet still believe abortion is an absolutely horrible thing and should always be a hard decision.
I’ll just leave this here:…
Perfection, lol.
...Are you being serious? Everyone knows his name. We’ve known his name for three years, you say “James Holmes” and people are like “oh yeah, the aurora theater shooter”.
I really hope you’re not being serious.
Yeah. Like of course you’re going to talk that way about things like this to people who you THINK are in the business with you - it’s an everyday thing to you, it’s not a big deal, and you think they understand.
Like I said, I get why she felt the need to apologize, but I really do wish she hadn’t.
I live in Colorado, and I remember waking up the morning after this happened and hearing the news. Texts from my mom, getting on the computer and reading what happened... feeling like I needed to bear witness while the details rolled in. I remember being so scared that someone I knew had been there, checking with my…
Jesus. Your comments on this post have seriously devolved. You started off being empathetic and seeming to genuinely care, but that’s gone out the window.
I mean this in the nicest way, like really: take a break. Walk away. Come back when you’re less upset, because you’re not going to reach a single person talking this…
Aww, I’m sorry. :(
Yeah, exactly. If they’re matter-of-fact, I assume that things will be okay and nothings wrong. If you start talking to me in that super serious voice, I’m going to be worried.
Okay, first of all, I get what this lady is saying but if I ever needed an abortion I would much prefer the tone of whoever is talking to me about it to be “casual”. It’s just a medical procedure, it doesn’t need to be a harrowing and incredibly serious discussion.
I get why she feels the need to apologize, but I don’t…
I’m probably not the right person to ask, but sure? lol
This seems like a good compromise, but you just KNOW so many redditors are going to be up in arms about it and freaking the fuck out.
And since they’re going to do that no matter what level of “censorship” the powers that be choose to implement, they should just go balls to the wall and delete/ban those disgusting…
You are amazing!
You basically just described all my reasons for it. I *want* to be done because I am paranoid about cancer and it sounds like a very unpleasant way to die. But... I still believe all those things you just said too. I’m very conflicted. My fear about cancer wins out most days, but some days I just... want a fucking…