Lilly (Hungry hungry hipster!)

Okay but I can keep saying I’m not ACTUALLY smoking again if I never buy them right? Right? RIGHT?!

ETA: Also, I’m not an idiot. I know my “light smoking” is still bad for me. But if I’m not doing it that often it doesn’t even count as really smoking, right?!?!?!?!

I don’t think most of the Jezebel authors actively ungrey people. Which I get, their job is to write shit (I’m not calling their writing shit, I just use shit for everything) and maybe sometimes interact with the commenters a little, not actively stalk a post to follow people.
I understand why this system needed to be

Well, that’s true, but usually the bear WON’T break in while humans are awake and moving around and being very present because most bears don’t like humans. So just never leave your house again, to protect it. And randomly bang on loud pots to scare any possible bears away that may be sneaking.

I think maybe it sounds like the bear was caught on video coming into the shop, and leaving the shop, just not actually eating all the pies.


I hope nothing bad happens to this bear, often if they invade “civilization” too often things go badly for them. :(

I actually like this style a lot. I would not date a guy who dressed like this on the regs, but I would eye-fuck him.

DUDE THIS IS SO OFF TOPIC BUT ARE YOU USING CHROME?! The red squiggly line keeps disappearing for me too, and it also keeps flagging words that have apostrophes as being misspelled. I thought it was just me. (Please tell me you’re using Chrome and it’s not just me.)

I think it would be really great to have specific articles about the accident. I do think that’s something that needs to be talked about - I think it creates the opportunity to talk about how celebrity is treated in America, and the immense amounts of privilege they have as a result. It bothers me that there hasn’t

you shut your heathen mouth
vinegar is one of the foods of the GODS

So I haven’t actually watched the video of the crash (and I don’t plan on it because it sounds horrifying), but it kind of annoys me a bit that it’s brought up on every article about her. Yes, what happened was horrible. I completely acknowledge that.
But directing attention to that constantly seems to detract from the

you are so wrong that words are literally escaping eluding me because of your immense wrongness

You are so wrong that words can not describe how wrong you are and also I think you’re trying to make me sick. (All those chip flavors you just listed are literally literally the worst.) :)

I’ll check it out! The flavors sound like something I would like, I just generally find that flavored chips taste more like sadness and death than what they’re actually supposed to taste like.

But does it rot vaginas?!

No idea. Haven’t talked to her about it. I’ve just seen her douching supplies.

(i don’t actually douche, this is just the response that always goes through my head whenever anyone tells me not to do things.)
(i am such a pleasant, non-contrary person.)

I mean, you should maybe go see a doctor if your twat is rank, not just squirt harmful chemicals into it? Vaginas generally don’t smell “rank” unless something is wrong.

I know someone who still douches, actually.

All of these sound awful. Like horrible and poisonous probably. The only potato chips that are good and even matter are the Salt and Vinegar ones, anyway.

(Although I’d be down to try the wasabi ones ‘cause that’s good with some things.)

I’ve only seen bad stuff about Apple on Gawker Media (I think it was Gizmodo but who even knows). But literally all I’ve seen about Apple was how the new Apple watch is really not very good at all and def. not worth the money.
I kind of just don’t notice Apple articles because Apple is shit.