Lilly (Hungry hungry hipster!)

I have but it’s only people I’m like, sexually interested in (and usually sexually involved with). I guess I just don’t look at random guy’s crotches that often?

Generally enraging your would-be-rapist is not the safest scenario.

Well... I would say I could mime it but he can’t see me either.
Does he know Morse code? Maybe I could figure out how to tap it out on him.

Aww that’s so cute! I didn’t know that.

Yeah, I do too. She’s pretty amazing.

I didn’t actually know that he did that song - I love it! But I don’t like any of his other stuff that I’ve heard.

I’m sorry George!

Well as long as no one finds out... ;)

Are those all your pets?! They’re so cute!

We had a rat growing up and I loved him, but I haven’t been able to get another one since then. Someday.

I actually do that too. It’s not like anyone knows, so it’s okay! Plus I’m usually off in mental fan fiction land with fictional characters, not real life people who would feel violated if they knew.

You’re not the only one who thought that! A couple of other people have commented saying that too. :)
My problem is that I didn’t find him to be a very interesting or intriguing character, and they didn’t seem to have a lot of chemistry or stuff in common, really. Like it seemed like a fun teenage fling, but I didn’t

That’s kind of awesome. We’re like... famous. And maybe not in a terrible way for once.

That would explain why women seem to be largely unaware that it’s an issue. We never actually see it, since you guys hide them so well. :)

What is Unreal? Are they name dropping Jezebel in a good or bad way?

Rats are so freaking cute and smart, and this is an awesome story.

lol. That’s amazing.

Ugh, that’s pretty bad, actually. I’m on BC now and it’s made me really really regular, so when I get to the placebos I just put on a panty liner so I don’t have to worry.
But I remember that paranoia well. Running to the bathroom every half hour to check because you don’t want to bleed everywhere.

I’m not sure which is

So I asked a friend this a while ago because of another article, and apparently yes, they actually are. Getting boners when you’re not actually aroused/aren’t currently participating in sexual stuff is actually pretty common for men.
I am so glad to be a woman. If I get unintentionally/weirdly/randomly aroused no one

Okay seriously, who writes the CC for youtube videos? This is the second one I’ve watched today that is just hilariously bad and very very inaccurate.

This sounds like a cool idea, although I don’t totally get how it works and the video didn’t really help.

You don’t always lose sensitivity when you get a breast augmentation. It depends on where they go in and the skill of the surgeon, in part.
I was talking to someone who got a pretty big upgrade the other night though, and they definitely come with a lot more back pain and stuff. She says she doesn’t regret it at all