Lilly (Hungry hungry hipster!)

I really like horses and I think they’re very cute, but I doubt that horse was enjoying itself at all. So I’ve got to be team #deadmau5 on this one.
(Also I genuinely dislike David Guetta’s music, but really that does not play into this at all... I just feel bad for the horse. Really.)

Wow this article is really old to still be getting new comments.

Anyway, that’s what abortions are for! Lots and lots of abortions.

That is a good idea. I was considering driving her to a fire station in another state (I know that’s just supposed to be babies, but she looks underage even though she’s not so maybe they would take her).

Yeah, I could see that. It could be really cute.

Thank you! I’m glad to hear your situation is getting better.

I love how the word “label” is used like tons of times in the article and I still missed that, lol. Thank you for pointing it out to me. In my defense, I’m sick and my reading comprehension is shit right now.

Yeah, she doesn’t have a job or any money right now. She’s supposed to start seriously looking on Monday, but we’ll see if that actually happens.

And it’s very annoying, having to repeat myself. Like I don’t get how it hasn’t gotten through her head by now. :\

I’m being cynical but I feel like they’re kind of doing this because record stores are failing since everyone downloads their music (legally and illegally) now.
And this is really good publicity and will probably pull in a lot of people.

For her or me?

Stealing her weed and holding it ransom might be a good idea. It wouldn’t make her stop but it might piss her off to the point she moved out, or at least left for a few days.

I’m pretty sure you’re not my family? You don’t sound like any of my family that lives in Colorado. But that’s trippy.

Really? Even though Hermione kind of thought Luna was silly and crazy about a lot of things?

Ughhhh. I hope your daughter figures her shit out and grows up some soon (I’m sorry if that’s kind of harsh for me to say, I don’t mean to be harsh). At least she’s young, she has time to grow, and a lot of 18 year olds start off not being the greatest roommates and greatest adults until reality and life hits them and

Middle child. I don’t remember a lot of my childhood (I have some severe memory problems), but my little sister is probably part of the reason I have such a problem with stuff, lol.
I know my sisters are why I’m so weird about food, or at least so territorial.

I’m basically nocturnal while she’s living with me, because I need alone time and space. I’ll be okay, with sleep anyway. But thank you. :)

Thank you. :)

That is like the most amazing product I have ever seen.
I’m not sure there’s room in the fridge for it though, it’s pretty small. I should see.

I mean, I don’t actually know. (I say that further down thread.) I can’t think of any characters that we actually met who would be really on her level. I would ship her with some of the girls, but they all at least appeared to be straight.

$50 is definitely my price range, actually. Do you remember what model it was or where you got it?

Because she is LITERALLY LITERALLY the worst.