Marion Coatesworth-Hay's ghost

I’m more confused as to why these two are meeting the French president in the first place. 

If this wasn’t Chip’s sister, I’d understand jumping all over them. But it is his sister.

A few friends and I are going to the Mets game this Saturday and they are making unvaccinated people pay out of the ass. They essentially have to buy a box for around 350/pp and only sell in pods of 4-6.

100% chance this guy is “estranged” from his son because said son is anywhere else on the spectrum but straight.

Bullet dodged BIG TIME. 

We punish addicts for a lot of things, most justifiably when actions they commit under their addiction negatively affect others (theft, arson, etc). A fetus isn’t a person, but it’s not nothing, either. And anything relating to the topic of pregnancy affects women more than men. That’ s not a justifiable reason to go

I would have guessed that calling strangers “cunt” was one of the most sexist things around.

I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure that lady is wearing that eyepatch incorrectly.

oh, this wasn’t quite what I expected.

My dermatologist once referred to my bikini line as "traumatic" so...

As a woman with coarse/curly hair EVERYWHERE, I’m pretty sure if I tried this level of waxing my crotch would eventually resemble a hyper-pigmented angry scrub brush.

I see Los Angeles Apparel, formally American Apparel hasn’t changed a bit. Dov Charney is still making models pose vulva first and it’s disappointing Jez is giving the company an advertising assist in this article, even if the author is snarking on the suit.

Is no one considering the pube situation here??? All the wax in Madame Tussauds isn’t enough to make me hairless enough to one of these. And the pain!!! And the ingrowns!!! NOPE.

This is going to go very badly for America. Lots of people are going to die who didn’t need to. They couldn’t just hold the line for a bit longer? Like wait until the numbers are way, way, way down. Think the first few days of it being in America kind of numbers. That be a good time.

The people who don’t want vaccines now have permission to go unmasked and lie about it. This is rewarding bad behavior, and giving-ip on beating this pandemic. We let a loud, uneducated minority win again.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but specifically, how do you align:

It’s unbelievable how the CDC took a huge steaming dump in the state’s laps like this.

It looks like Madptarmigan dismissed my response to their comment, so I’m reposting it here in the main thread:

An ex of mine went on a Birthright trip, and she related to me that one of the guides specifically used the word “neighbor” to describe the Palestinians as a peaceful, non-threatening way. It is a word that is meant to instill peace, and is not meant to be “othering” language. The intent is a hopeful one, even if it

Sorry to be pedantic, but “Palestine” has never been a sovereign state. It was the British Mandate of Palestine before it was Israel. Prior to that it belonged to the Ottoman Empire.  Also her suggesting that her “neighbors” deserving to live in a free and safe state is pretty obvious what she’s referring to.  So not