“unique and tender time”???
“unique and tender time”???
There is still a possibility they could be sentenced to prison time. Fingers crossed!
Will they, though? Some places are spacing out the gap between doses so that more people will get their first dose ASAP. It really depends on where they are.
Ugh, the Vancouver couple. Public enemy #1 in Yukon. And the wife looks like she's about 15 years old.
Which is why I haven't bought those cookies (and many other processed products) in years. I miss Oreos!
You mean beyond murdering a dog? Oh dear.
I agree. I found Biden's speech too Jesusy.
Yeah, I think there was a GoFundMe...
You think people would have changed their minds with an unofficial diagnosis when they were okay with all his other crap?
I bet these people are thrilled...
I’m also a government employee. Do you have people who retire then come back as "consultants" while drawing their pension?
He was sending a message. He could have tracked her down. It wasn’t about shooting right then and there.
I haven't seen Diet Dr. Pepper in months. There's been a shortage and I miss it.
Seriously, how is that guy still alive?
I have the exact same problem. Luckily, I don’t go out much otherwise I’d have spent a fortune trying to find masks that fit well.
Unless I’m missing something, he was her fiancé, not fiancée (yes, I'm that person).
I'm worried about her tripping over those pant legs.
So many of these morons’ mothers come up in the stories I’ve been reading. Probably too much coddling during their childhoods.
Well, it did take Alex Trebek before Rush Limbaugh...
I believe that's the head of the IMF next to her and some other powerful and important people having a group discussion that she inserted herself into.