The problem is when the US starts a war that creates a vacuum that allows ISIS to thrive. It's not just their problem.
The problem is when the US starts a war that creates a vacuum that allows ISIS to thrive. It's not just their problem.
I was wondering the same thing. Kept hitting refresh and wondered if it was a browser issue.
I don't think these babies were white.
Yeah, it's a very long statement.
She’s not American.
That is exactly what I thought of when I saw this.
No on-site laundry was a deal-breaker for me when I was renting.
We got a new system where I live and the tile is fugly. Makes the stations look about 40 years old.
“Actual Native Americans: don’t care about the name, proud they want to be associated with our proud warrior heritage.”
Except they don't play in Seattle.
I don't think forgiving makes someone a better person. You're just a entitled to your anger towards a perpetrator as this guy was to forgiving them.
My mom literally said to me a few weeks ago, “You need to find someone. You can’t spend the rest of your life with your cats.”
There was a town in Quebec years ago that was made to rip up their new sidewalks and redo them after it was discovered that contractors from ONTARIO had done the work.
Good for you!
Assholes like this always remind me of that poor woman in Ireland who died because doctors refused to perform an abortion.
You think he would have been able to go and retrieve his gun while she had a gun pointed at him?
But how much land is cleared to grow stuff to feed the cows?
I'm vegetarian but I used to eat meat. I don't recall my burgers bleeding.