Marion Coatesworth-Hay's ghost

The woman was looking for another passenger to trade seats with. She bears no blame in this.

How are you still friends with this person? 

I used to work with a guy who had nothing on his desk except his computer and phone. He did everything electronically. I doubt that that's the case with Trump. 

I work with a got who looks just like Captain Obvious. I wonder if he's ever considered dressing up like him for Halloween. 

Like Trump? 

Aww, kitties! My foster went to his permanent (we hope) home today. It’ll all depend on whether the two cats who are there accept him. And I’ve got a new foster kitty who I hope mine will be nice to, but I’m not expecting much since they’re jerks (but I love them). 

Maybe the barista thought "Isis" is pronounced like "Eesees", which could be how he heard "Aziz". 

Yeah, they didn’t even exist at the time. Kinda racist to mix up two Islamist terrorist groups ;-) 

Yeah, I used to get mixed up with the other brown girl at work, but two of my white friends were also mistaken for one another, so it's not necessarily a racist thing. 

Here’s the part Maine Coon that I adopted a few months ago but had to return because my other two cats hated him. I miss him.

Here’s the part Maine Coon that I adopted a few months ago but had to return because my other two cats hated him. I

I think what they’re getting at is that he wasn’t fawning over his son in the same way.

No, it's also directed at children of naturalized citizens who haven't spent the required time in the US. 

From my understanding this wouldn’t have affected Obama even if he was born in Kenya. His mom was a US citizen who lived in the US for at least five years, so he would have been a natural-born citizen anyway.

Vegans have lots of reasons for not eating meat. It's not because they dislike the taste of meat. If they were raised eating it, it's a hard habit to break. 

Burger King in Canada has had a meat-like veggie burger for years. I had a veggie Whopper in Australia last year. What took you so long, America? 

I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see if anyone commented on that. 

I live pretty much down the street from the museum. Maybe it'll be out next time I'm there! 

She’s not against black people, so she can't be that bad! 

What if you're a foreign-born white person? Cool or no? 

When I was in Chile a few years ago, an Australian woman apologized profusely for asking if I was American (I’m Canadian).