
I second this. This app is great for meditation beginners, I use it pretty regularly. Nice easy interface, and eases you into meditation nicely.

The one for XI looks wrong... I could have sworn they had a more typical looking Iron Giant enemy in the game...

Does Kotaku do a “fave games of the month” article every month? If so, this is the first I’m seeing of it... but glad I saw it! Lots of games on here I haven’t heard of otherwise that I’m itching to try!

Weird, at least your people are watching a movie on the screen. My people are sitting there staring at static on that huge screen. Nothing but ongoing static, lol.

Yes yes yes and just a lot of YES. I’m in love <3

Still have yet to finish KZ3, but KZ2 had a great campaign and fantaaaastic online multiplayer. Such an underrated game.

Apparently this will be a controversial comment: I enjoyed season 3.

This is fine general advice, but not everyone’s the same. I always fall asleep with Netflix or something else on all the time, waking up just fine and rested. I’m sure there are others that probably would do better without that stimulation before sleeping, but others have no problem at all.

As someone with 3 almost maxed characters and I-wont -even-say-how-many-hours logged into this game, this game is stale as f**k. Haven’t touched it in a couple months.

Every time I think great WWII game, I think of Medal of Honor: Frontline. That game evoked such a great authentic feeling throughout its missions, and it had great music! I don’t know if it holds up well today, but I love that game.

“One day, not so far in the future, I will be out there again, in a world of strife.”

Yay a Bloodborne article! Oh how I miss this game.

I am so glad Bloodborne is nominated, I feel like it didn’t get enough praise/attention, but at the same time it did... I don’t know, it’s weird. But I loved that game, can’t wait for the expansion this month. Still, I’d go with Witcher 3 out of all those.

$80 for a “used, original” xbox 360? That thing will red-ring before you even get it home, lol.

I always read articles like this and think “we worry way too much about way too many things these days”.

Awww, now it’s a sad Friday... but best of luck to you! Always greatly enjoyed your writing, and loved watching your E3 Periscopes as well! <3

These are all f***ing amazing.

Came to the comments looking for Esthar, not disappointed. This city seemed massive and so grand when I first arrived there. And the music was so fitting too!