
It was pretty awesome how he died right as he landed the killing blow.

I'd totally play that male Croft version of Tomb Raider. Sex that character right up, please, IDC.

*are no longer? Sorry.

Thankfully I haven't had any issues with my PS4 since updating and I always use standby/rest mode. However, there was another maintenance period last night for PSN, it seems like it's down too often, I don't understand.. does Xbox Live do maintenances this often?

I don't understand the complaining about this. It was said - it's meant to be difficult. Not a cakewalk. Hell, I wouldn't ever want a final raid in a game to become too easy. I don't even care about the lore perspective, the random teleporting keeps players on their toes and keeps the fight exciting.

TOTAL: $1,050

Dammit!! I need to finish the last episode of Season 1 and start Season 2 already. Also, I really wish this was released for PS4.

Will PS4/XB1 owners play on different servers than PC players?

He composed most of the soundtrack for the original FFXIV, most of which also made it to A Realm Reborn.

Well, that trailer was a bit dramatic.

I think the timing of this just makes it worse.. this month's PS+ deals are pretty good.

Oh Microsoft, you're so cute sometimes.

Has no one said Vagrant Story? What the hell.... VAGRANT STORY!!

Is this coming to PS4??

Is Season 2 of TWD not coming to PS4??? :(

Yep, I believe that's a mount exclusive to Conjurers/White Mages. They hinted that each class/job may eventually get their own mount.

Wow, that Donkey Kong 64 rap is bringing back so many memories.

He wasn't saying that out of nowhere, it's been said by Square Enix themselves. It's the most profitable FF.

you said 'this game is an abortion', which entails the whole game, not just the launch woes. Even if you paid for this, it's really not much different from any other MMO launch. I'm logged into the game right now. I'm sure the issues will be cleared up in a few days when they upgrade/add servers like they said.