
Luke, while I appreciate the anticipated 'easy target' of this article title, you must realize that this is 99% the case when ANY mmo launches. Does it make it OK? I suppose not, but again, it just seems like a cheap shot knowing that this game is attempting a full-on relaunch (and a VERY impressive, unprecedented

What does that have to do with anything? They didn't develop the game, they just published it.

I'm very glad you posted this, because this happens with pretty much EVERY MMO, I love Kotaku, but of course they are going to need some clicks over this. For the most part, people can play and log in no problem, but let's go and make a mountain of a molehill of course. I understand there may be some frustrations, but

Definitely also my favorite overworld track of all time. It just sets the mood so right for the 'other world'.

Most are praising the game's soundtrack, not the actual game. Which I actually loved anyway.

Lol, Balrog.

LOL - I guess you have a point :)

I'm surprised it's so well liked by him - I mean, it's a good action movie (saw it at a pre-screening), but the main actor can't act, a lot of the dialogue is horrible, and there are some very cliche characters. However, when it comes to monsters vs. robots, it was pretty damn awesome, so it does the job I guess.


Or, you know, how it can be like for a woman ANYWHERE, not just E3.

I forgot how ugly those blurry N64 textures were!

I hate it when people pronounce Mario like "mary-oh" as opposed to "mar-ee-oh". (p.s., my name is mario).

Oh, Legend of Dragoon... I must have played through that game at least 4 times. I love it, even with it's atrocious dialogue and all.

I think you've just described exactly what I feel when playing through a majority of JRPGs. It definitely feels like a chore sometimes, though there is always that payoff - whether it's finding out the next plot twist, exploring a new city, or trying out new abilities. There's just that stuff you have to trudge

It's because the people who have actually been keeping up with the game know that it's been rebuilt from the ground up with a new graphics engine, a completely redesigned world, new combat, basically new everything. It's top-notch, a complete turn-around. Also, owners of the previous version don't need to repurchase

It really is.

You are very angry. Which is understandable. However, since you bought the game previously, you don't have to re-buy the game, you can download it for free, so not sure where this 'extra money' thing is coming from.

You could just try it out during Phase 4 of the beta, which will be an open beta period. It's essentially a free trial. No risk.

If you've gotta create a set of rules on this, chances are you did a crappy job naming the damn thing.

omg thank you for the memories that just came rushing back. I loved that game.