
Hell no! He was asking for that cut.

It really is great. I wonder if she cosplays the (non-existent) personality as well :p

Never said I wasn't 'pleased' or expressed any dislike towards this. Was just making a simple observation.

wonder if thats as fast as the levels get? its pretty slow compared to how the iOS version is it looks like

Same thing I thought, you can tell it's fan made. At least I hope, because if it WAS professionally done, it could have been better.

Haha! Gave me a chuckle.

you must have missed the part where it's just an artist's rendition.

interesting, never knew this. I do notice that some movies seem to be darker than others in 3D, so maybe this is why.

It's pretty fucking awesome.

and it makes the movie DARK as hell.

and just like a typical trailer these days, it spoils the whole movie by showing the ending (exploding death star).

ignore the haters. the ending (especially extended cut) really isn't that bad.

My god, that cover image. CANNOT UNSEE. WHY!?

Cool stuff! I thought this movie was rather well done up until the last 15 minutes. What a completely Hollywood ending, totally unnecessary. All scares went out the window.

Pretty much! Just thinking about it makes me wither in pain.

I CAN'T BELIEVE this game is on the app store for FREE. If even it was 99 cents, they'd make a killing with that many downloads. Why give it away for free?

what's a blueray movie?

Well, I hope the reboot of FFXIV (A Realm Reborn) starts the reversal of this downhill trend. It looks downright awesome, and has everything Final Fantasy in it.

"Why didn't they just take the Eagles to Mordor/Erebor" has been answered like a billion times already I feel like.

I loved the feeling of Fisherman's Horizon, and this theme fit the town perfectly. It's so...quaint. I need to replay this game.