FUCK developers. They should be city/public-owned, with reasonable rates.
FUCK developers. They should be city/public-owned, with reasonable rates.
Could this just be a cultural thing?
There is literally no country on Earth more humble than the US of A
England won the last women’s Cricket World Cup
I’ve been a commuting cyclist in Chicago for over a decade. I’ve been hit a few times and had 2-3x as many close calls. I pass ghost bikes (white-painted memorials for cyclists murdered on the city’s streets) daily and it never gets any less haunting. What makes me ache even more about every preventable death…
Since we’re generalizing to all cyclists and car drivers.... let’s remember that when a car driver does stupid shit to a cyclist, cyclist gets killed. When a cyclist does stupid shit to a car, maybe a dent.
Yeah, man, it’s almost like drivers are getting grumpy when bikes put themselves at risk, and bikers are getting grumpy when others are putting THEM at risk. So weird!
yes, there’s very fine people on both sides
Times have changed, now players rush to deny that they played for the Mets.
its hard to find a good NHL Knicks comp, I’d say the best current day comp would be the Oilers, they do have one of the best if not the best player in the game, and have managed to surround him with utter garbage and come in last place or second to last place the last few years. They also had the benefit of like 5 no.…
So in this case the Islanders were the Brooklyn Nyets.
LOL. As a Knicks fan, trust me when I say the only thing we feel entitled to is disappointment.
I think it should be added that the Burning Sun scandal started because a Burning Sun club goer was trying to prevent a rape from happening but that club goer was assaulted by Burning Sun staff instead.
....No, because they’re men and celebrities, with close ties to people high up in government and business and the police.
That would seem to be an asinine qualifying system
It’s really strange how people expect their bigoted beliefs to be tolerated.
1000x this.
Even aside from how dumb this whole interview is, like come on with this, man:
He is being blackballed from coaching in the NBA the same way that I am being blackballed from playing in the NBA.
It’s nice to have a specific reason to consider a Warrior an asshole rather than the usual jealousy of their wins.