
Look, its been almost a year since he wanted to cut off his father’s head, and he only had two Glocks, three rifles, and a suppressor for a handgun in his truck at the time.  Nothing too crazy, like live grenades or whatever.

So a 3/5 compromise, got it

 a man who for his own health probably shouldn’t be playing football.

Lol, I work at Classic Arts Showcase (for real), and seeing as 90% of our viewership has glaucoma or has recently died, video quality means very little to them.  Anyway, you try finding a Lauritz Melchior clip that’s not 480p or less.

Meet Me In Alpha Centauri

Friend Burneko, as a normal and real human, I found your tirade against the good aliens of our Galaxy truly tasteless. Your fear of what you do not see, and cannot possibly comprehend, is the hubris of so many of your humans. Truly, Earth will remain unvisted by highly intelligent life forms as long as close-minded

I just hope that playing down there doesn’t mess up the rotation on his shot. 

Seriously. If anyone needs that one year of free college, it’s someone who thinks New Zealand is in Australia. Jesus.

Player Chooses Christ, Church Over College

*Accountant, checking records* Charles, do you mean you ate a 100 Grand or ate 100 grand?

“And don’t miss the Heath Ledger story.”

Stay safe, Panda. Let’s hope no one think you’d be good in some quack boner medicine.

Here to say A) Yes, good. Burnout is real. And B) Thanks for the work you do, Lauren and all the Jez crew... your work makes our work more bearable. Wishing you some nice paid time off and a minimum 10% raise this coming fiscal year!

Absolutely. The albino panda is adorable, and even if it wasn't, it's doing its best.

What surprises me is that the book was a rewriting of her Oxford doctoral dissertation, which means this fundamental error, which undercuts the premise of her book, made it past her thesis advisor and her viva/doctoral defense.

Fun fact: I work in human service work, helping teach life skills and tackle harmful behaviors in people with disabilities. My field of work is one of the most dangerous there is, with the highest rates of on the job assaults and deaths at the hands of people we are serving. I have 88 hour work weeks AND I volunteer

And fact-checkers.

The article still mentions “fungi that have become resistant” to antibiotics. Fungi didn’t develop resistance to antibiotics, they were never susceptible. Antibiotics have *never* been effective against fungal infections, to imply otherwise is factually incorrect. Source- I work in a reference lab that identifies and

I don’t get what all the hyphae is about.

Forman was no slouch photographer, himself - he won consecutive Pulitzers in 1976 and 1977.