
I can attempt to have a conversation, then get backlash and attitude... which makes me not really want to continue the attempted conversation.

You started drawing conclusions and making theories on what was the cause... nurture... Maybe it was to counterpoint, but you made statements to counter the study.

Apparently you can't have a civil discussion... my bad, I was mistaken in thinking you could.

Maybe... but you started attacking the findings as well.

Its all dependent on how the information is used... so until you can see any influence in that way, its not a problem.

Reading down a few more of your comments... you seem to calm down a bit and are a bit more open to the whole thing. Looking at other factors... that's a good thing.

There are female dominated cultures in the world... so you can have a group of women not under the same type of social pressures.

And what credentials do you have to make that call? Not liking the results does not qualify... get the training and knowledge to understand the science involved... and to identify the problems with the studies and to perform studies that correct these problems and give better data... and then you can make the claim.

I will grant that environment plays a big part in development, but so does biological... to ignore that is not being honest scientifically.

Are you ignoring all the studies that show that girls from very young ages (ages that are before the mental development is advanced enough that cultural roles can actually be reinforced) prefer to play in a more nurturing manner?

Not really... there are many reasons it can exist... environment does not explain it all... Nor can it explain how a female raised is a male dominated way... (like a girl raised by a single dad in a very "tomboy" way) where the female is taught to like cars and tools and to run around in the woods... can grow up to

As I said before, a child's brain is very plastic and can conform to training and skills quickly... but that does not mean all things will effect the child at any age.

Also... your point on environmental effects...

Yes it exists... but unless you are trained in such things, and can read the study and find its flaws, then you can not judge this studies merits.

I was thinking the same thing about leadership ability... This is of course in our modern society, where social skills and empathy can help manage people and groups.

I will agree there... using studies like this to justify discrimination is wrong.

Need to make an edit to the first paragraph...

Need to make an edit to the first paragraph...

Need to make an edit to the first paragraph...

If you think the study is flawed (have you read it to know?) then you should figure out a way to improve it and then do that. Studies are vetted and tested to determine validity.