
I'll repeat this for you as well.

I will just repete this comment I made to another poster.

Forget about puberty?

All numbers and systems of measurements are in the end... arbitrary. Binary, octal, decimal, hex... also arbitrary. The math will always be consistent when you follow the rules of the system.

I think there was enough story to do two movies... the added world parts that stretch it to three are from other works within the story universe.

I recognize it from somewhere, but don't know myself. Probably some movie or show I didn't care for or missed most of.

The myth exists... but that is not a picture of a man in a lab coat doing science...

Guns are more likely to kill quickly with less suffering, sometimes within a couple seconds. (Even a shot to the heart takes a few seconds to kill) If not, the deer is often times wounded enough to prevent running and allows am easier second shot to complete the kill. This of course requires a competent hunter and

Humans killed off much of the natural predators... Deer populations run amuck... deer devastate the forest ecosystem and destroy crops.

You are right... some people are jerks... Luckily they are a minority. Often times they get turned in by other hunters if seen.

But people south of the equator would have issues as well, being that their seasons are opposite of the northern hemisphere.

I was about to reply to vinny as well... Using HP like he did... HP is a measure of work over time, you can't spread out a constant 2HP over the time period of the last gear like he did. Saying the HP/force of the motor would be spread out over 2.3 trillion years.

I love all the correlation equals causation arguments thrown around in this thread.

Hollowpoints are designed to flatten...

Sounds about right.


Also... I am pretty sure I read a study about finding no correlation of eating sugar to diabetes. (or one of the types anyway) It was other factors that lead to developing diabetes.

Well they still use whole pieces of chicken... unlike the Mcnuggets which are all formed products, with 4 standardized shapes.

"If you don't have receipts or a way of proving you didn't buy your shit with drug money, yes, you lose it."

Actually... the supreme court ruled that the 2nd amendment applies to weapons commonly used by the foot soldiers of the current period...

This ruling was used to explain why the government could regulate things like sawed off shotguns. Because they are not used by the military.

Basically, military style rifles and