
Thats cooking... not drying. Real jerky is dried at ambient temperatures, similar to how cold smoking does not warm or cook the meat. Though the jerky you buy is probably cooked.

Electric toothbrushes move faster and help make up for people's tendency to under brush their teeth. Some have timers built in.

Well I am glad you are not against gun ownership. You also seem reasonable enough to discuss civilly.

1) The CDC was ordered at the end of last year, by the president, to conduct studies on gun violence and deaths in the US, it was released this summer. You can go online and read it on their site. Almost every part of that study contradicts the information given by those who oppose gun ownership. It on the whole puts


I read your linked article... try again... Also, I replied to another commenter about this more fully if you care to read it.

Ha... yeah. I wrote him off a while ago. It is not just me and you he has done this to. He has manipulative and confrontation language in several threads on this article. Seems others with well thought out counter arguments get this treatment as well.

I said it was a fragment...

Did I read correctly... that banning words is a good idea?

You do know that "retard" is also an english word right?

So... despite the fact that the Iron cross was never a Nazi symbol... its offencive anyway?

So long as you are able to use good judgement when doing so... feel free.

Movies reflect the current culture of when they are made... so yes.

The Iron cross... Originated in Germany before the Nazi party, it predates the Nazi party by over a hundred years easy. It was the main emblem used during WWI by Germany. Its use by the Nazis was limited to metals, (awards) and ALWAYS with the addition of the reversed swastika. Its use was a carry over from earlier

It was most likely an automated random word choosing program... and no one thought to cross check french words that may mean something hurtful in english. Not many people would, as most words are so much different that its not something that comes to mind. Also, this could go both ways, and something hurtful in french

If you didn't know, then it was poor promotion by the company... Though it could be only in certain areas. Does the cap always have words, like snapple? If so, then you may not be in an area with the promotion.

Its use to denote cigarette still dates to well before the American derogatory use.

Also, I heard it used recently in the movie "The Worlds End"... So its used at least by some.

Your comparison is completely of base... and a fallacy that has no bearing on the actual subject.

So the bottle cap said... "you" and "delay" (in french)...

I remember reading about a study on this subject. That years represent smaller sections of an individuals life as they age, so they seem to move faster relative.