
I really liked the overall size of the iPhone 5 when I had it, pretty much perfect for easy one hand use. I actually like the phone a good bit... But I have always been an Android user, so I switched back.

As was pointed out above. Google Play Services is changing the way many new features are being introduced into Android.

Yeah... up and down are not "reversed" because no mater which way you are facing, up and down are the same for you and another person.

They don't actually reverse anything... they merely reflect light straight back.

Because it wasn't real nacho cheese... the real stuff is white and made from a type of young soft cheese originating from Mexico. It is melted and mixed with chopped chilies, for added spiciness.

Or learn to do it yourself with a quality sharpening kit... but that does require time and patience to gain the skill, and most do not have either.

My main take away... They had time to find the phone days... even a week after... AND THEN call and cancel the insurance claim.

I think the vane is right, but the sun is setting in the east.

Not at all surprised to see these in the kit... I use them all the time in aviation.

The hours were hell... if you actually knew what you was doing they expected you to work 12hr days... and you was lucky to get one day off every few weeks.

These are not Lithium ion batteries... they are a lithium based battery, identical in composition to watch batteries and the Energizer Lithium batteries you can buy for your camera or TV remote.

These are not Lithium ion batteries... they are a lithium based battery, identical in composition to watch batteries and the Energizer Lithium batteries you can buy for your camera or TV remote.

First... These are not Lithium ion batteries... they are a lithium based battery, identical in composition to watch batteries and the Energizer Lithium batteries you can buy for your camera or TV remote.

I got two yays, and a nay it seems... Its a Bond movie, so I am obligated to watch it either way.

Have you seen the old ones with Sean Connery? Modern viewers would call them boring. Crazy action sequences were much more limited than the average action movie of today.

Yeah... after this one, the franchise started turning more and more into the modern action flick style, with more action and explosions than exposition/storytelling.

Modifying restrictions to government is one thing... Restricting individuals and groups of people is another thing entirely.

Network congestion is a factor as well... how many people are using the same tower as you and are actively using internet.

Probably was Isopropyl which is poisonous... and can be had at 99.9% pure. As a solvent its less harsh than most and will not harm most plastics. It does like water, and can actually help dry out things that have been water logged, by helping evaporate the water in hard to reach areas.

Probably was Isopropyl which is poisonous... and can be had at 99.9% pure. As a solvent its less harsh than most and will not harm most plastics. It does like water, and can actually help dry out things that have been water logged, by helping evaporate the water in hard to reach areas.