
You're welcome, enjoy your pursuit of new music.

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Youtube would be a better bet on finding stuff...

One of the neat things about the genre, is the variety... From a more typical metal sound... or a ballad like sound... to a mix of classical orchestra and modern metal... maybe a mix of opera'esqe singing and sound with a metal backing... sometimes a folk melody sound with old folk instruments like lutes and flutes

Maybe this will give you a reason to look into other bands of this type.

Its part of the human condition it seems... Real enlightenment or simple desire to better yourself and/or learn is not the norm. We do have an abundance among many of a false sense of enlightenment today though.

I think its more for their ability to notice things and observe.

Which is one of the points he was making... cheaper and more efficient.

I think they would break down and cry and the beauty and wonder... not to mention the realization of human progress and how they helped shape it.

Full of win.

I use "Its Science Bitches"

Should help if you get the fine point. You may need to order it online though.

Bow chicka bow...

His point was that most crime in the US comes from metropolitan areas of more than 250,000 people. Many of which (New York, DC, Chicago, etc) have very tough gun control laws.

How they got it for free... thats the question.

Cheaper... yeah, as a fire extinguisher isn't cheap.

Google can't just add adds to your video uploads. (unless the terms of service has changed)

Indicated intent is not really the problem... The problem is the wording... its too vague.

Rights don't work that way...

Either way, they lack the ability... the entire species can not reproduce and are man made creations.