Wow... you missed the point.
Wow... you missed the point.
Thanks again, I try.
1) Yes you do... its common during days of shooting matches. Walk into a local restaurant, and the coat rack has several rifles hanging off of it... Maybe it has changed in the last few years... But that is not the point. The point is that guns are everywhere and easy to get, I don't have to steal a gun, the…
I answered that... it is unconstitutional...
Some people like to leave their lives and protection in the hands of others... I am not such a person. Not that I am paranoid, or distrustful... Just practical.
Technically... yes any restriction to guns is against the constitution.
And AKs from that era are very very rare... as we were enemies with Russia at the time, and so sales of any goods coming from the soviet block were banned.
Yeah, I meant to mention that his reply was a bit harsh... as my reply was meant for IceMetalPunk.
The info was mostly for "redman042" just replied to your comment to make it more visible for everyone to see.
Oh... and I forgot to mention... the "black market" in the US is limited. Illegally imported guns are not common, stolen guns from homes and businesses are the most common.
I think the majority of us are.
See my reply further down the thread... you may not get a notification for it.
Non-lethal defense options are not a good idea as your only option. They can often times be noneffective.
It depends on how fast you can pull the trigger... Glocks can be emptied just as quick.
Assault weapon... is a made up word. it was first coined during the Clinton gun ban... its a word used to make certain guns seem scary and more dangerous/deadly than they really are.
Well.... there has only been one vetted and verified study about guns and gun control and its effectiveness... that study said gun control is bunk and does not work... it makes things worse.
I know it was a joke... still a little sexist though. LOL
Well... ignoring the sexism of that statement... The dad could do it.
She never thought to make him come out of the room?