
If he was alive... he would have released a video claiming he was alive by now... what better way to make your hated enemies look like complete retards to the world than.

Saw one of those the other day... clear green plastic, and the front is not flat, it stuck out over an inch longer on one side.

Must have been low concentration.

Using the wrong transponder codes can cause a lot of trouble... There are some that can get you in serious trouble. (ones like the military use only ones)


The thing is, without a barrel and chamber and the mass of all that holding still, allowing the force of the expanding burning powder to launch a bullet... the energy gets split between the slug and casing.

Maybe... but that area has a very bad problem with meth manufacturing... one of the worst in the country.

I am from that area originally...

I'll pass... LOL

Still in a panic situation... an easy to find extinguisher is better... In times of stress we forget the simplest things. This would cause problems in real world situations.

You never acknowledged his point, you only stated a new unrelated point. I did get your point, just found it irrelevant to his.

I think that would just about destroy the planet. LOL


"This knife is designed with no other purpose than killing."

Its more the glaring plot holes... Plus all those people that came to earth to fight... those huge fleets with millions of people... they are all doomed to starve to death. Earth is in no shape to provide for them, and the Quarian liveships are not enough.

Anyone with hands has weapons to kill. Its called strangling. If you are too physically weak to do it with your hands... wrap your shirt around their necks.

A victim mentality?

Could be... Our relatively safety in modern "western" societies has made many think that everywhere is the same, and that it was always this way.

You missed his point...

I am an Android user... I don't like the iPhone... from a walled garden environment, anti mod stance, and dislike of the business practices point of view. From a technical and design point of view, I like the iPhone. (just to be honest up front)