
Adam from Mythbusters can confirm this... he put a 10 inch scraper blade (in a protective sheath) in his inside jacket pocket after a shoot for Mythbusters. He forgot it was there and then left to go to the airport straight away after getting back from the shoot location. He had to be at a Woot event that night. He

Rubin was on the board... not an employee. He wasn't even on a board that had access to the iPhone development.

They haven't started throttling data yet... it is something they are planning to implement in the near future.

Nice people too... well the ones I have met. All military guys. Cool to chat with and laid back guys.

The exit holes would be a bit bigger and more jagged, but it would be from shrapnel being forced out with bullet. I have shot electronics with guns, it just punches a clean hole unless it hits something semi solid. (a hard drive for example)

Seems a bit much for a post she did to vent frustration... as stupid and curse filled as it was.

Either way the laptop is gone... This is just an attention getting stunt to overly stress the message. Same as if he hit with a bat or threw it out of a window.

Hollow points don't "explode"... they expand...

Happened not far from me... The news said the men confronted the couple in a grocery store before this happened. There was an argument and blah blah... then apparently they thought it was something to kill over...

We are sentient, self aware, and understand the consequences of our actions.

Well I don't think it is the cost so much as the fact that many of the operations needed to assemble electronics are too delicate , have elements that introduce small but random differences, (like the fact that wires are flexible and might not all lay exactly the same), and having some things that are simply too

Its not just death... there are other things that can happen when pepper spray is used. (like blindness)

Tazers are less violent than any other physical method to subdue uncooperative people, and they pose the least risks for the offender and the police.

First off... I think the police rely on the tazer too much now a days.

Pepper spray is just as bad or worse... some people react very badly to it.

OK... I work aviation as contract labor (this is how most labor in the field is done)... They said she works 60 hours a week? That is quite common in the aviation world. Its an average work week actually, sometimes you can work longer. Six 10 hour days is the norm, 40 hour weeks are rare... even working 12 days on 2

I just did a search on the market... I can not find these apps. I have a high end phone, so they are not hidden do to compatibility/low performance reasons.


Also, when I said: "and to prevent a person who has fully served punishment for a crime to be forced into further punishment for the same crime."

And if you are wondering.