
The idea had been around for a while, Not only with keyboard-less slates but also with laptops that had rotating touch screens that folded back over the keyboard and for all intents and purposes it became a tablet.

Apple stole it then MS got an early look at the new OS, copied it and released theirs before Apple could.

For a house with a few younger kids... seems ok... I have seen worse. It is easy to keep up with one child, but if you have 2 or 3 around the 5yo range they can destroy a house quick.

I say small claims court... The judges in these courts love to hear this sort of story. Even the threat can work wonders as they know that they will most likely lose. Basically you can claim damages for lost time, costs (including the court fees), and such. At most you will only get a few hundred but it is still a

I would think the risk is minimal...

Seems like the maturity level of both of them were pretty low... I can not see fit to defend either of them. There are mature ways to complain about service and mature ways to deal with rude customers, neither used those methods.

Large company's operating costs can be very high. If you wipe out their main server system that feeds their entire worldwide business you can cause a lot of unproductive hours which costs money.

I look at these pictures of the "altered" Galaxy Tab and I think it is more than a simple altering of the aspect ratio.

Supply and demand... Means with large supply and low demand you get lower prices to try to sell the product. It is why last years cars/tech costs less after the new models arrive.

Different times my friend. That would never happen now... I doubt it would happen as far back as the 80's or so.

That is just how the rules of the auctions work... Its a gamble.

When was this? And I also wonder what happened the first day it happened, or the first day it became general knowledge to the other students that he had a firearm. I am sure he was discreet about it and not waving it around or boasting.

Yes, an interesting change at the least.

I think there are now.

We are also a culture that shuns guns as a majority now. Guns are not a common sight and kids are not taught the dangers and proper safety. A good many people have guns, but it isn't as common as it once was. The Swiss have a very high gun ownership ratio. And gun ownership is mandatory for males of military ages.

The Swiss are very gun friendly. Shooting events are major social gatherings there. I hear that on days of these events, walking into a local diner/restaurant you will find a wall of guns hung on hooks as their owners eat. Walking around town with a gun slung over your shoulder is a common sight as well.

Me and a friend tried out some iPhone docks at a local Best Buy. The Beats dock sounded good with R&b and Hip Hop/rap songs he had on his phone, but the rock and metal sounded awful. We messed with settings and EQ but no dice.

And battery life. LTE seems to kill battery life. Not much good if you can't keep a charge.

Ah crap, I see where I got off track...

Once again you prove my point.