
And you quote yourself yet again...

Circles? You started it. Maybe you don't get my point...

Yes I read the whole post...

Well I am sure if you reset the clock and save the game, it no longer claims it is from the future and when contacting the server again it will not seem to be anything wrong.

Other than cheating... how can this be used for "evil gain"? I don't see this being a problem that can be used to compromise my phone and its data.

Same here. For something I am paying money for... I will not buy data... Well at least at high prices, and not if it has DRM. A small game I will play beat and not return to? Yeah I will buy that as a download. Music I will be keeping and listening to for years? No, I will buy the CD and burn my own data from it

Yeah for people that do not charge in their bedroom this works well. I only have a cell phone so I charge in my bedroom at night, this is less useful for that situation.

Technically no... it isn't (assuming USA, other countries I am not sure on) Jailbreaking a phone is legal and is under the exemption list, but not game consoles.

It was... and I fixed it HAHA!

Still have the "gizmodo on facebook: XXXXX people like gizmodo" box with a bunch of thumbnails covering part of the article. Still annoying...

See my comment below... long story short... The best does not always win. Too much politics and money under the table type deals.

Its even worse when you know about the "Dragon Skin" fiasco from a few years back. (around 2004)

Still doing it as well... I am using Chrome if that matters.

The Social networking "+1" "like" etc box is expanding and covering up half of one of the paragraphs... irritating!

The stampede is more of an entry level hobby grade RC truck for having fun around the house and to get kids interested enough to want to get into the more expensive stuff. But yes it is more complex than the tyco stuff at walmart or toy stores.

If it isn't sneaky... then why the confution and anger? Others are angry as well, not just this one dev.

Yes its a name, but the overall patterns are different as well. They also use different colors as well. Obvious reason for the navy, but the ACU is supposed to be one version that is good for forest, desert, and urban. MARPAT uses separate versions for forest and desert. I never had to deal with the navy version first

If it runs in software, dedicated GPU wouldn't be needed with sufficient CPU power. Or it will mean that lower end GPU is now viable and that higher end GPU will be for those who have crazy high rez screens.

Maybe, but they were not upfront about it.