
Maybe, but things like this are par for blog sites on April 1st now. There doesn't need to be a specific target any more.

I am assuming this is an April fools thing... from reading a few comments, many don't get it. Some suspect it, or at least allude to hoping this is not serious.

I think many people are concerned that this isn't streaming in the traditional sense. Traditional streaming has its own commercials and can be paused, fast forwarded, etc. Live streaming, still has its own commercials and control scheme.

Exactly. It captures the chaos, noise and fear a lot better. This is what the Rebels in Libya, the US and other countries soldiers, and even the enemy forces go through during conflict. (even though they are an enemy, they are still humans) We could all do with a little reality about the conflicts in the world. To

Considering the official restore disks are full of bloat as well, you are stuck doing the legwork getting it all off no matter what you do.

This has happened before with other manufacturers. Plus the customer service rep admitted it was installed by the manufacturer.

Range driving hard on a track and the range driving a constant 60mph around a circular smooth track are going to be different. Just like gas mileage on a regular car.

Apparently... sarcasm does not come across very well it written word. Or at least not on the internet where there are actually plenty of people who would say such things in complete seriousness. I can't be on top of the game every day. lol

I see a need for having a single stealth maned aircraft that has some oversight to the UAVs, The f22 and f35 will be used as backup. Kept in the air and armed in small numbers as backup to the UAVs.

dup post.

Huh?? This was a presidential order to send in the troops.... Bush isn't president anymore. (congress did not have any say in this current military action)

The "tantamount to theft" part, I realize I didn't finish that thought. What it boils down to is that anything deemed frivolous and un-necessary was seen as a waste of resources that could better be served elsewhere. (IE you don't need a watch, there is a clock on the wall) To own anything like that was 'stealing"

No problem. I try not to get into arguments and belittle people on the net. Debates and discussion are another matter. lol

With all these posts this may get lost, and I would send a private msg, but can't do that on Giz.

As I said on another site...

No question, any cause can be twisted and perverted.

First: I never said you could know everything about someone just from their ethnicity or gender.

That is true. In order to properly refute any claims, you must first understand what it is and what types of evidence is needed to refute those claims. Arguing from a position of ignorance is never a strong position, and can often times bring a conversation from civil to heated.

I think some of the problem comes from people trying to prove some particular deity exists. Or the misinformed atheist believing that are against one god. (mostly because they may be raised with one predominant religion around them, as is common in the US) And the occasional elitist atheist who feels better/smarter

"but disagree that groups of human beings can be categorized."