
If it had been obvious to everyone, the post would not have been "Watch a Rocket Launcher Fail"

"Seriously, when are "scientists" stop doing bullshit research that tries to prove that women are some how inherently lesser than men?"

"Seriously, when are "scientists" stop doing bullshit research that tries to prove that women are some how inherently lesser than men?"

"Seriously, when are "scientists" stop doing bullshit research that tries to prove that women are some how inherently lesser than men?"

Couple of reasons. One can be summed up by the saying "too many chefs in the kitchen". The other stems from the fact that when people collaborate in groups, they tend to err on the side of politeness. The desire to reach consensus and avoid confrontation kicks in. Some how a bad idea gets thrown out there, and no one

Mortar, not rocket launcher. Still funny, I would have ran too.

@ThatsSoRaven: Its still an early build, and besides, there are a lot of things happening at boot. All the CPU use to load up an OS really strains the processor.

@RoswellMus: That is sad. There are too many irresponsible people, and too many greedy people out there. Gun owners have to worry about both.

@Amuro: The big thing is if they were a legitimate threat. Several states have laws that allow you to stand your ground and fight, no retreating necessary. Claiming that you feared for your life can protect you from a criminal charge, but not a civil suit. So if they were not a legitimate threat, then you can loose

@RoswellMus: Always good advice. I was told to talk to one and have their card on me, so I can call them ASAP after.

@wjglenn: Thats the way all sex based laws are in this country. Overly broad, its like a shotgun effect. You get people in the system that do not really deserve to be there. Then with the public notification laws, and employer background checks, these people are assumed to be and treated like sexual predators likely

@Otacon91: They said the same thing about homosexuals once... actually many still do.

@blacktf: True, but the work is already out there. That is where the grey area comes in. Traditional media had an active selection process, so the choice to publish was made and the author could not force the publication. With the internet, it is like a instant self publication system.

@Edd White: Like I said above, this is a grey area.

@blacktf: They may own it, and they are free to have rules of use, but they can not violate his rights. This is a bit of a grey area in this case. Forcing a rename or deleting his account could be seen as censorship.

Parody is protected speech, even with a ToS, he could fight it.