TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

I loved the doctor hugging Yaz’s mum when first meeting her, and congratulating her on making a really excellent person

Yeah, I’m sure she’s from Canada and she had to go back home before you could show her off to your boys, right?

Quote of the day, “You can’t be president if you fire Yaz’s mum.”

Grievances don’t pay the bills.  The idea that they don’t suffer consequence is fucking silly.  Only Trump can be Trump...and they keep finding that out.

When you think about it it’s just the next generation trying to get their selfie in a lynching photo. But they’d never compare themselves to their racist grandparents smiling under all of those hanging black corpses.

Tanning messes you up. People I’ve seen that have done a lot of tanning seem to have aged about 1.5-2x the normal rate. (rough estimate, I guess it would depend on how much you tan? Not really my crowd, so I’m guesstimating.) You could smoke 2 packs of Lucky Strikes a day and not accumulate that much wear on your

It’s the algorithm of most social media platforms. People like this just don’t see themselves being reflected back in reality, but only in fantasy. They don’t read the news or even read any real news that may accidentally come up in their feeds, beyond the occasional headline, they just see the lives they think they

No, no it’s not a fair question regardless of your misinterpreted “stats”. Those women were minding their own business in a public space when they were approached and attacked by your previous Cave Becky with racist stereotypes. It is never fair to assume anything about someone based on race, especially someone who is

When did Ann Coulter and Sarah Ferguson have a love child?

I’m hot, I’m beautiful...

What kind of person calls themself hot and beautiful???

After the women call 911, the deputized neighborhood watch-lady seems to threaten the black women, asking: “Do I need to bring out my concealed weapon, too? This is North Carolina by the way.”

I love that you capitalized the noun

The answer is in the question

Just check out the women behind Trump at any one of his rallies. Buy stock in bleach hair products. 

Well, in addition to no longer making $125K, the cops want her.

“I’m hot, I’m beautiful, I’m white”

That Heifer.

In the clip below, Westwood brags that she will still be making $125,000 Monday morning.

I understand drunk, entitled, racist, and just fucking mean, but what I don’t get is how in this Year of Our Lord 2018 these dumb assholes STILL don’t understand how the internet work.