She REALLY did pull off the shredded 12 costume, man.
She REALLY did pull off the shredded 12 costume, man.
Yeah, I’m with you here—it’s been so long since we’ve had a bigger ensemble of companions in the TARDIS, so I’m looking forward to the show getting a chance to experiment with a different dynamic. (Interesting that they all knew each other before the Doctor dropped in, too.)
I wonder if the desire to set up multiple companions might be less about having 3 all the time than having options to switch out. It might slow down companion turnover and/or create a bench where if one leaves, the other two don’t all at once. They might be looking at continuity.
Also, her comments shit on the very real work Tarana Burke has been doing for 12 years since she started the movement, not Hollywood women. She’s an asshole.
The Doctor’s new persona definitely reminds me of the Tenth Doctor (Tennant). There’s almost a family resemblance. Whittaker worked with Tennant in Broadchurch and seems at times to be mimicking some of the mannerisms we saw in his regeneration episode many years ago. She also mimics The Twelfth Doctor’s (Capaldi)…
Chibnall excels at introducing the various characters so that we immediately warm to them; in retrospect I realize that Moffat wasn’t quite as good.
Technically the BBC doesn’t share revenue with BBC Worldwide (not allowed by charter), and BBC America isn’t related to the two except that it’s licensed the use of the trademark.
I'm kinda chuffed that I've finally got some Dyspraxia representation in my shows. So I'm digging this because it's like Shane Black's The Predator only good and in Sheffield.
Rose did nothing of the sort regarding starting the Me Too movement. That was Tarana Burke.
I appreciated that Thirteen came out of the box (er, so to speak) heeding Twelve’s “be kind” ethos. I’m also ready for #SheffieldSteel to be a thing.
There really were a LOT of commercials and I continue to hate their mid-commercial break "this scene will be on in five minutes' bits.
I think that, because the BBC aren't allowed to advertise on their programmes in the UK, they milk their worldwide advertising as much as they can for the cash.
The central alien mystery isn’t all that engaging and at times a little too confusing thanks to some choppy editing
She’s mad because she didnt get to be the WW face of a movement that began ten years before she even knew about it. She’s fucking insufferable.
#metoo wasn't born in Hollywood and it won't die there either.
But not in a job interview.
What sucks is that we’ve known this entire time about him. I confirmed it when I saw him. We’ve all had bosses, friends, doctors, who were simultaneously white men and either painfully banal, or harboring some deep rooted addiction.
Great job, Bernie or Busters, Stein voters, and dipshits who stayed at home.
To the idiot complaining about lack of “due process:”
“I think he is highly qualified for the Supreme Court. I also support all victims of any kind 100%. Like, a lot. Also, Donnie, we still haven’t found the Ark of the Covenant but are digging up the Sphinx later today.”