TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

I always felt that so many movies/shows featured the “cartels” as the enemy because it’s the easiest way for white people to channel their hatred toward Mexicans without feeling bad about it. It’s the same reason why terrorists are the “bad guys” in every other action movie that doesn’t feature the cartels. “Hey,

Hell, we already got Draco Malfoy as President.

Even Tony Stark - superhero, but also raging narcissist whose self absorption almsot destroyed mankind - and Tyrion Lannister - generally a good guy but still the murderer of his father and his lover - kinda hurt the case. :)

And who in their right mind would argue that Sherlock fucking Holmes would be placed in Slytherin. He’s a Ravenclaw. Even Benedict Cumberbatch’s weird spectrum-y version is.

“Michael Corleone is a ruthless murderer and criminal whose wife aborts their unborn child because she can’t cope with the risk of bringing another repugnant monster into the world. But what this video essay presupposes is: maybe Corleone was just the victim of a story that’s told from an anti-mafia perspective?”

Wow good job internet finding complexity in something that the text already detailed as being complex and not one-dimensional. Only in the movies did McGonagall send Slytherins out; in the book some of them stayed and fought. This was one adaptation of the movies that a lot of people and critics noticed when DH2 came

Trying to defend Slytherin House by arguing that Michael Corleone would have been a Slytherin is counterproductive. 

Moonves used Golden Parachute! It’s super effective!

His tweet against Beto O’Rourke was the same set of trigger words. I wish that, just once, the nightly news would mention his odd speaking and writing habits. People who stick to mainstream media never see these reflections of his utter stupidity.

The other liar who got sentenced so far (Van der Zwaan) only got 30 days, so it doesn’t appear that the lying itself carries more than a wrist slap.... But most of the rest of these crooks are being looked at for way more + bigger crimes besides just that. Manafort and Cohen ain’t seeing the sun for awhile. Still,

“Woohoo, our profits are up another 30%!", I expect. 

Say what you want, but I want to watch a show based on this. Sort of like Scooby Doo, but everyone’s stupid and their boss is stupid too, but he knows they can’t do the job right, but has to keep them on the payroll because one of the agents is her daughter, even though he despises the other agent because he’s jewish

Jared has this covered. I mean look how well he’s solved the opioids crisis AND the Middle East. He’s got this.

the two believe Chief of Staff John Kelly is the only person in the White House with an ego big enough to delude himself into believing he’s the center of the resistance

“He is a fighter who will be tough on Crime and the Border, fight hard for our 2nd Amendment and loves our Military and our Vets.

They need to make a movie of the week about those two trying to solve the mystery. It should be a comedy. Perhaps give them matching Sherlock Holmes outfits and they would have terrible catch phrases like “wonder-trump powers activate!”. Of course, they should never be able to actually solve the mystery because

Our country is doing GREAT

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are trying to find the New York Times anonymous op-ed perp on their own”

Trump is acting like 14 days is no big deal - and that is true, it is a short amount of time. Which was made shorter on recommendation of Mueller since he plead guilty and cooperated. I would think Trump would not want these guys to see how short their sentence could be if they roll over on Trump - it might convince

What was Nike thinking?