TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

Days, weeks, months, years after yet another school shooting - GOP says, “NOW is not the time to politicize these tragic deaths!” 30 seconds after an immigrants commits a crime - GOP says, “Something MUST be done!”

Gotta disagree on that Shannon Watts thing (it’s sensational because it’s so grisly). Those poor little girls of theirs.

This was my take, too - it’s the kind of thing grown-ups do, even though it’s really hard. I have family members who have done the same thing - delayed divorce long, long after the marriage was through so that they could take care of each other medically/financially.

When the story broke that Jennifer was dragging her feet on the divorce, my first instinct was that it has nothing to do with reconciling or punishing him. It is about having the legal right to help with rehab and medical stuff.

Bobby- “Alcohol Addition?”

I don’t know what kind of family you come from, but 2nd cousins are generally close extended family. They’re probably close in age and spent some time around each other. I mean, that’s how I’ve seen it work with basically every family I know. Hell, 3rd and 4th cousins are considered close extended family, too. 

Mollie Tibbetts was murdered because she told a man, “No.” Period.

Troll, find your bridge and crawl beneath it or jump. I. don’t. care.

You mean like all the dead black kids who might still be alive if they’d just “Not acted in a ‘threatening’ manner around police officers,” or some other bullshit excuse? Yeah, every death is a tragedy, but we’re making a big deal out of one specific KIND of act of violence in a country OVERFLOWING with all manner of

The conundrum #MeToo faces now was directly caused by centering voices of wealthy, privileged white actresses as “leaders” of the movement when they hadn’t been vetted and had no history of activist work. It could be argued their participation in the first place was self-serving and designed to pursue personal

“A large number of counts, ten, could not even be decided in the Paul Manafort case. Witch Hunt!”

Well, there’s been another hacking attempt at the DNC’s voter database.... If you’re worried about Democratic energy running out before the election, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Shit like this keeps happening, people get mad, they vote....

Yeah, I really don’t understand the whining. It’s called math. And guess what? If the Dems can’t bring one Repub over (and they can count, y’know), it is a totally sensible and helpful move for vulnerable Democratic senators to approve Kavanaugh to help with their re-election for the purposes of, wait for it,

“Senate Democrats are working to delay confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. I’m sure they’ll pull this off successfully because they are good at holding to their commitments.”

She just looks miserable all the time. This isn’t a comment on her physical appearance or clothing or makeup: I see her and she never ever looks happy. Hell, she never looks even slightly pleased. She looks like she can’t stand her job, her life, the smell of roses, anything. Can she smile? We may never know.

I don’t know what’s the worse out of these two horrendous things. The abuse of a minor while in a position of power over them or the fact she’s now using the same language of denial and claims of persecution that all the abusers up to now have used to try and get away with, when she knows what it’s like to be on the

The gender politics in Mulan are indeed far from perfect, but you’ve chosen to focus on some really strange things to make your argument.

Can’t you just hear her in that Becky voice?

Les Miserables would have been a lot shorter if Jean Valjean would have just explained that he didn’t know the bread was a sentimental item.

Now, let’s make a parallel that the right wing racist asshats would never make.