TwoFairy only leaves a dollar not two

I find myself in unknown territory. I now need to research which channel I get Fox on, because I just might watch it. However, I normally can’t hear republicans speak because they are so far up my VJJ that the sound is muffled.

That William Randolph Hearst had congress make weed illegal so that the hemp paper mills had to shut down and all the newspaper companies had to buy his wood-pulp paper.

Yes, Sipowitz, there is a Santa Claus.

To be dealt with by you and me and a few million others, in all the ways we influence our communities and society: voting, buying, parenting, joining, conversing, challenging, working. I fear that sounds trivial, but many things do and are nonetheless true.

Until when? Kristallnacht?

The idea of President Trump interacting with other world leaders is nauseating. What’s so weird is that he literally has no platform. He has absolutely nothing except overblown, ridiculously bigoted statements. What the fuck would he even DO in office? Why are people so infatuated with someone whose policy ideas are

But his power also comes from the thousands and thousands of actual American voters who want him in office. Like if he were just a pundit or a talking head or whatever this would be true—but his existence as a political candidate with a lot of support reflects his ability to catalyze a certain kind of ultra

It’s things like this that really make me wonder about how big a role a leader plays in national opinion. I mean, were there honestly that many Americans before who thought that there should be a religious test to enter the US, or did they decide it was a good idea after a man on the TV they like started saying it?

It’s a constant stream of pitbull meme, pitbull meme, unattributed quote, bible verse, Gandhi quote, pitbull meme, unattributed quote, passive aggressive statement on my feed. Just. shut. the. fuck. up.

Well we certainly are always looking to add to our ever growing prison population, so yeah lets add thought crimes to the list and throw the Constitution out the window.

I for one wish this fellow many happy returns.

Get what? Chicken pox? Mumps? Rubella?

“Compassionate conservative”

“Delicate spouse abuser”

Bradford called Fogle’s pedophilia “mild pedophilia.”

There is a lot more to a person than their political attitudes, and Johari is acknowledging that. This is important in a civil society. It’s a good thing to have.

In 300 years, there will likely be some important Deklan’s as well. Heck, there will probably be some important Nevaeh’s and Jeidyn’s too and all our 21st century souls will roll over in our artisanal, locally sourced, crematory boxes.

He looks old enough to release a statement supporting Otto Von Bismarck.